Chapter 32: I told you he was jealous! (Part 1)

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Tai’s POV:

It’s been a few days since I joined the office again. And since that day I have just seen Mr. Savit during the departmental meetings. Otherwise, it was very difficult to spot him. Anyways, since the moment I stepped into the office, Mr. Vit has not left my side even for a minute. he was hell-bent on making Mr. Savit understand what he was missing out on. Therefore, whenever Mr. Vit got a chance he would stick by my side, and even told me that Mr. Savit was curious about our growing friendship with each other but was not brave enough to ask. However, soon, he was going to do that. And, once he does that, the day won’t be far away when he will come running to me to confess his feelings.

“Mr. Vit’s thoughts!!! Not mine.” So yeah…Now every day there are times when I have to act a bit more intimate than we are in reality. Even though, in the last few days, we have become very close friends and do know a lot about my likes and dislikes. Why? Well…because Mr. Vit wanted to make Mr. Savit jealous by knowing more about me. I knew that this idea was stupid, Mr. Vit insisted that ‘he will prove in just a matter of few days that Mr. Savit is jealous of our intimacy, and once that happens, it's a game over.’
It has been half a month since we have been acting in front of Mr. Savit, but I must say that either that man has never-ending patience or he just doesn’t like me. And I think that the latter reason is more appropriate in this scenario, because how could a man just claim his love when someone is clearly trying to steal them away?

Two weeks later…

Today, we all were busy preparing for the most awaited launch of SA Telecommunications. It was the launch of the 6 G sim card. SA Telecommunication was the first company in Thailand to launch the 6 G sim card. The launch was the day after tomorrow. Hence, today was a total chaos in the office. It is going to be the same tomorrow as well. There is not one single person in the office who is not working, and being the new marketing head, I was super busy. I had to make sure everything was perfect, and there were no problems happening during the launch because this was the very first big project after joining the company, which I was handling all alone. Therefore, I had to be super careful with everything. However, I felt a bit weak because of overworking. I had recovered from the injury, but I still felt the pain if I overworked.

It was already 9 pm and as I mentioned everyone was still busy working for tomorrow’s mega launch, and when everyone was trying their best to make it a perfect event, then even I had to be present there and help my colleagues. In between all this chaos, I had forgotten to eat my dinner, hence the medicine after that as well. However, I still did not have the time to take a break and eat my dinner. It was finally around 10:30 pm. that I had a few minutes to spare, so I thought of grabbing a quick sandwich from the criteria for dinner. But luck was not on my side. The moment I was about to step in the cafeteria, James came running to me and almost bumped into me. But before any of that could happen, I held him and asked him, ‘What’s the matter? Why was he in a hurry?’ And when he finally answered after catching his breath, it shook the land beneath my feet. He said that

“The chip in the sim card malfunctioned. The reason why and how it happened was still unknown, but yes, WE WERE DOOMED.”

Because of the unannounced problem, now we were in the conference room, where all department heads, along with Mr. Savit, and Mr. Vit, to discuss and find a possible solution. It was now impossible to revoke the launch date because all the invitations were sent to the delegates, the venue was booked, and in short, everything was set. It was only that the final test run of the sim card was under process when we came across this problem, so we are hoping that in the next 30 hours, we will solve the problem. Time was short, but we had to give our best.

As the hands of the clocks moved, my pain also started shooting up. I had not eaten anything for the past 10 hours, hence I missed my medicine, which now gives me trouble. I had to eat something as soon as possible but it seemed impossible, with how tensed the atmosphere of the conference room seemed. I had to wait, and I waited. Waited, trying my best not to let the pain show its traces on my face, but it was getting difficult by each passing minute. Squirming and trying to find a relaxing position to sit because of the pain, I once accidentally locked eyes with Mr. Savit. He did give me his famous eyebrows raise, but i just gave him a forced smile and sat straight, not wanting his attention me for any longer.

Finally, the meeting was over, and it was already a few minutes past midnight. By now, my energy level had gone down to zero. As one by one everyone started to leave the conference room and rush toward their, I also tried to stand up and go out, however, the moment I stood up, I lost my balance and was about hit the ground, but luckily Mr. Vit caught me. Our eyes even locked for a nano second, but we were quickly brought out of the trance when Mr. Savit banged his hand on the table and left the room. I don’t know why am I have eye contact with people today? I mean common, arghh why me?

Afterward, I stood up properly with Mr. Vit’s support: He asked me whether I had my dinner and medicines yet? To which I answered in negative. He just sighed and then took me to the cafeteria to grab some food. But while we were on our way to the cafeteria, he told me something, which made actually whether Mr. Savit really had feelings for me or not, because until now, I wanted to deny it, as he himself had declared it. But now, even I didn’t know.

“I told you he was jealous! Did you see his voilent reaction when I held you and saved you from hitting the ground?”

Here it is, guys!!! Sorry for the long wait. I have been all over the place for the past few weeks, hence couldn't concentrate. But as I always say, I'll try my best to update as soon as possible. 
Happy Reading, and do your thoughts about what you think is going to happen next?


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