Chapter 20: Kidnapped (Part 2)

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Tai’s POV:

My head was pounding like crazy as if someone had hit my head with a hundred rocks. I tried opening my eyes but really couldn't. My eyes fluttered but I just couldn't open them fully to see where I was. Moreover, the pounding of my head didn't help, it just added to my helplessness. Hence, I tried focusing on my surroundings and trying to locate any sounds that could give me an idea about where I was brought to or how many people were around me.

I was trying my best to find out how many people were there, however, I was met with silence. Only the loud sounds of the wind blowing could be heard, meaning they kept me somewhere it was windy. I kept my eyes closed not trying to open them and take as much rest as possible because I didn't have any other option anyway. Doing so, I fell asleep.

A few hours later,

Crying. Someone was crying, desperately pleading to let them go as they were being dragged here. Those loud sounds woke me up from my deep resting sleep. The voice was distant but loud enough to wake me up. I again tried opening my eyes and this time, I succeeded. The sleep did help reduce my headache. I looked around to locate the voice and see who else other than me was kidnapped and brought to this hell hole. Second, by the second I could hear the voice getting louder and louder which gave me one of the biggest shocks of my life.

The desperate crying plea belonged to none other than Arisa. I could recognize the voice. I knew that it belonged to Arisa. Why would they kidnap her? And where are they taking her? They should bring her here, at least I can then keep her safe. The little girl might be scared to death which is why she is crying. Even if these people had kidnapped us, I do not know why, one good thing was they had just locked me up in a really dark room stinking of rotten fish and meat and had not tied my hands or leg, which gave me the chance to make a run for it if required.

As the minutes passed, my anxiety grew and I very prayed very hard for Arisa to be thrown into my room so that I could be with her. And my prayers came true when I heard the door unlock and the people dragging Arisa in. She was trashing around trying to free herself from the goons. Seeing her being dragged inside, I quickly stood and went toward them to get Arisa out of their hold and bring her closer to me. However, seeing me get up from my spot in the dark room, they held Arisa’s hand with more tightly, which is going to leave a big bruise on her hand later on, and mocked me.

“Aha, see who’s got the strength to stand up, now.”

“Obviously. It’s all about his favourite sister-in-law. How could he sit still?” said another.

I laughed. What a sick joke was he trying to play here? Sister-in-law? He must be out of his mind to even sprout such nonsense. Nevertheless, it was none of my concern now, because sister-in-law or not Arisa was dear to me and I had to protect her at costs until I found a way out from here. I had to make sure to find a way out of here at all costs. Ignoring their mocking laughs, I quickly snatched Arisa away from them and backed away. I picked her up in my arms and tried to calm her down. This angered the goons and tried to hit me. I blocked it with my body so that it didn’t hurt Arisa at all but that didn’t mean that it did not hurt.

Savit’s POV:

It was in the middle of the night, as I walked from one end of the room to another, as we waited for the kidnapper’s call. She was out on her night out again with her classmate, a new best friend beside Tai. I was the one who was going to drop her off but got stuck in attending an international call with a client and couldn’t be home on time and she went away with the driver. Mom had instructed the driver to message her as soon as he dropped her but that never happened, instead, he came back home injured. He said that, they had almost reached Arisa’s friends place, when suddenly a black van came out of nowhere and stopped them from moving any forward. And two men came forward with baseball bats in their hands and broke the car glass, which made both him and Arisa to come out of the car and to be hit by another goon and get kidnapped.

The moment mom heard this, she called me and dad, which was followed by informing the police, trying to get the CCTV footage and trying to see what route did the van take, trying to figure out there hide out. I did not know what to do. I just wanted to bring my baby sister back, I could not afford anything happening to her. She is just too important for me to lose her, and let even a scratch affect her. I promise to kill all those bastards who kidnapped my baby and are hurting her. I promise.

I'm sorry for the long wait. I injured my finger then really couldn't concentrate on anything, I do not know why. It was only today that I could do some writing worth publishing. So, here it is. Happy reading 💜

It makes my day and gives me the motivation to continue writing 🤗

The Nuisance and the Handsome Prince (A BRIGHTWIN FANFIC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें