Chapter 31: Why? Are you jealous?

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Savit’s POV:

Today was the day Tai was going to come back to work, and I really wanted to go and see him. See him, if he was doing ok or not, but I can’t because of the promise that I made to myself. The promise of ignoring him and letting him find someone else. Therefore, forgetting everything, I decided to focus on my work. We had an all-department meeting today, so I started preparing for the meeting.

An hour later,

Now heading towards the meeting room, I saw Tai with Vit and Vit’s hand on Tai’s shoulder, while they were laughing about something. Even though Vit was my best friend, I did not like the scene in front of me. However, the moment they saw me, stood straight with just formal smiles on their faces. They bowed to me as they came forward to enter the meeting room, unable to understand the reason behind their sudden closeness, I entered the meeting room behind them. But this was not the end of it, throughout the meeting I could see both of them stealing glances, however, I couldn’t point a finger at them because they were always on point when it came to work and my promise of not interfering in Tai’s life anymore.

Throughout the day, I could somehow see, Vit around Tai. So, unable to control my jea… no, I mean curiosity anymore, I decided to ask Vit about it. During the dinner, when it was only the two of us, I asked him. I asked him,

“Don’t mind me, but it’s just something that I noticed throughout the whole day today.”

“Yes, tell me. I will obviously not mind you. You are my best friend and boss,” said Vit.

“How come suddenly…”


“Suddenly you are so close to Tai? Like, when did you guys become such good friends?”

“Why are you jealous?”

This one question crumbled my calm appearance, but I still tried my best to maintain my posture and not give away the anxiety that I felt when I saw Tai and Vit being close, extremely close to each other. Nevertheless, I answered.

“Jealous? No. No. Why would I be jealous?”

“Are you sure?”


“Alright then. But to satisfy your curiosity, I was just helping Tai around because he was absent from work for so many days. And while doing so, I just became friends with him.”

Listening to the answer, I just nodded and let it go for now.

Two weeks later…

It has been two freaking weeks, and I still continue to see Vit and Tai being as close as ever. They still stick around each other, and now even have started eating lunches together as well. And, what is most shocking is whenever I ask about it to Vit, he always manages to come up with some or another excuse. And what I did not understand was, why was Tai letting Vit be close to him?

Tai’s POV:

It was just the day after I was discharged from the hospital and was resting at home. I wanted to join the office already but neither my family nor Mr. Savit’s family allowed it. They wanted me to return only after they were satisfied with my rest. Therefore, now lying on my bed, I just thought of making a quick video and updating my fans about my current situation so that they do not worry about my long absence from the screen. However, even before I could finish recording, I heard a knock on my door. And the moment I said, ‘Come in,’ I could see Mr. Vit’s head peeking in from the half-opened door. I was at first shocked to see him, but anyway, let him in. Once he settled himself on the chair kept near the study table, I asked him,

“It’s very shocking to see you here, Mr. Vit.”

“I know, right? Actually, I wanted to come and visit you at the hospital, but couldn’t do it as I had to take care of the company in Savit’s absence. Hence, now that he is back in office, I rook out some time to come visit you.”

I just nod my head in response. So, he continues further.

“So, how are you, Tai?”

“I’m good, much better than how I felt right after gaining consciousness.”

“That’s good to hear. And when do you plan to come back to the company?”

“I wanted to come back starting this week, but it is a strict order from my parents and Mr. Savit’s parents that I shall not rejoin until the next two more weeks.”

“Haha. Well. they are not wrong.”

“How’s everyone at the office? How’s Tiraya? I still did not have the time to contact her.”

“Don’t worry Tai, everyone is fine, and Tiraya understands, and most probably, she herself will catch up with you in a day or two,” replied Mr. Vit.

“Okay.” I answer with a smile. And with this, I thought that it was the end of our conversation, and then it would be an awkward silence between us. However, that was not the case. Instead, what Mr. Vit said next, which made me astonished.

“Well, Tai, there is another reason for my visit here.”

“What is it, Mr. Vit?”

“Well, while you were in the hospital and confessed to Savit, and he outright rejected you like an idiot, I know all about that. And before you ask how, let me tell you, it was Savit himself who told me all about it because he was distressed after rejecting you.”

I just nod, still trying to process whatever Mr. Vit said. But he did not stop here, he continued.

“So, now I have planned to bring back that idiot on track and make him accept his feelings for you.”

“Huh? How?”

“He gave an evil smile and said, “That you leave it up on me, just do whatever I ask you to do without asking many questions? Ok? Just trust me.”

And I once again just nod, praying that Mr. Vit’s plan does not backfire on us.

Woho!! Here it is another chapter for my love readers. Well, guys, have you all  seen the recent reels and photos of Brightwin? As always, they look cute 2gether 🤩


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