Chapter 27: Caught!

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Savit’s POV:

It’s been three days since all the shit with Aran happened. The day Tai’s operation was done successfully, the same day at night my princess woke up, and the first thing she wanted to do was meet Tai. She did not keep quiet until we took her to see Tai even when she couldn’t actually meet her but just see from the glass hole in the ICU door. She did that every day until today, the day when Tai woke up. I was at the hospital cafeteria attending a meeting when I saw Kiet coming towards me with a huge smile on his face. And seeing him smile that big after three days, I knew that Tai was finally awake. I did not know what to do knowing that Tai was finally out of danger and had come back to all of us and to me…safe and sound. I wanted to cry, laugh and dance. I was going crazy but in the end, I just ended up crying my heart out because of the happiness that I felt. However, I still did not know how to face Tai and apologize for putting his life in danger and thank him for saving my princess.

A few hours later…

It was evening time now, the visiting hours for patients and Arisa was here with mom to meet Tai. She just couldn’t sit in one place ever since she heard that Tai had gained consciousness. First Mom decided to visit Tai alone and then she asked me to accompany Arisa to meet Tai. I know why they were doing all this. All of this was just to make me go and face Tai, which I had been trying to avoid for days now. At last, I had no other option but to take Arisa to meet Tai, however, I decided that I could just let Arisa go in and then quickly slip out of the room before Tai could notice me. But none of that happened because the moment I opened the door for Arisa to slip in, she gave out a loud cry of happiness and shouted at the top of her voice,

“Tai bunny!!”

Hearing Arisa shout bunny, Tai looked toward the entrance, at us and I was caught like a deer in the headlight and knew that I had lost the chance to run away. I now had to talk to Tai. The moment Tai looked at Arisa, he called out for her,

“Princess!! Come here,” and motioned for her to come forward. And that’s what she wanted. She bounced happily toward him who tried to pick her up but hissed in pain when he tried to bend down and pick her up. I quickly ran toward them and said,

“Hey, what are you trying to do? You are hurt and you shouldn’t be careless like that. And princess what did I say about not disturbing Tai for a few days if you want him to get well soon?” With that, I picked her up and placed her beside Tai, who had already made a place for her on that hospital bed. The moment she sat down, she hugged him tight and started with her cute blabbering and Tai happily listened to her. Tai had been smiling the whole time Arisa talked, while I was lost in him, looking at him to my heart’s content after so long.

Tai’s POV:

I was just lying on the bed scrolling through my phone and answering all those people who messaged me about my disappearance. I just told them that I was not well, so was not active on social media. I also put up a message on my Youtube channel for my subscribers and viewers, so that they do not worry a lot about me, and promised them that I shall return soon. That’s when I heard a knock on the door, and a minute later Mr. Savit’s mother entered. Well, how do I know her? Obviously, I saw her pictures on the internet. So, I quickly tried to sit up but hissed in pain, so she quickly came by my side and said,

“Tai dear, you don’t have to sit up, keep lying down.”

I just nodded and smiled at her. She then further asked me,

“How are you now?”

“I am good Mrs. Asnee. How’s Arisa?”

She smiled and replied, “She is fine dear, in fact, she is downstairs with Savit and she will come to meet you after I leave.”

I again nodded.

Then she again said,

“I want to really thank you, dear. Thank you for saving Arisa’s life, If not for you I do not know what would have happened. I would have most probably lost my baby.” And she started sobbing.

So I held her hand and tried comforting her.

“Please do not cry Mrs. Asnee. Arisa means a lot to me as well, she is my sister and I do not care what others think about it. I just love her and I would do anything to save her yet again.”

“Thank You, dear. Thank You. Thanks a lot for saving Arisa. I will forever be indebted to you.”

After that, she asked me to rest and then went out. Now I was waiting for Arisa to come up with Mr. Savit so that I can finally see him. It’s almost been a day since I woke up but I haven’t yet heard anything from him, not even a single message, which just made me overthink more. I just kept on thinking that I might have made a mistake or he was unhappy because I put Arisa’s life in danger but then I also wanted to ask him about it directly. I just wish to have a heart-to-heart with him so that I can get all this out of my chest, and also get to know what he actually feels about me. Does he even have any feelings for me or is it just me who is kind of crushing on him? I just wish to clear everything out and know what to do next, like to mend my broken heart or allow my feelings to grow.

So here's another chapter it some love.  But what do you guys think is going to happen now? Will they end up having a heart-to-heart or not?

Comment your views, and see you soon, till then Happy Reading. 💜

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