Chapter 14: Do whatever suits you!

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Savit’s POV:

While Tai was busy folding the blankets, I quickly went upstairs to take a shower because I did not lie when I told him that I was working out. Warm water cascading down my body, relaxed my tensed muscles and gave me some time to think about what had possessed me yesterday to which made me kiss him. Not that I regret kissing him but I also do not have the guts to ever accept this in front of him; juts because of what happened in the past.

Immersed in my thoughts, I failed to notice the opening of the bathroom door but I was brought back to reality when I heard Tai’s screams.
‘Ahhh… Ahhh… why did I have to see him naked early in the morning?’
I was pissed listening to his screaming, because well the shower wall very opaque and you could not see anything from outside but I had forgotten that with Tai everything is an exaggeration. To stop him from shouting more and damaging my sensitive ears, I quickly shut off the shower, wore a bathrobe and came out. Yet again, I was amazed with his exaggeration and clumsy self, when he tried running of the bathroom to not seed me naked, only to collide head first to the door. I heaved a sigh and then moved forward to help him sit down on the toilet seat and then look after his wound. His forehead now had a tiny little bump on the left corner. This guy can never ever walk around without hurting himself or others around him. It has to be some way or the other.

Blowing air on his wound, I dabbed a towel wet in cold water to reduce the redness before guiding him out to the room, as I went to get a pack of frozen peas that will with reducing the swollen bump.

Tai’s POV:

Tai! Tai! Can you seriously not doing something without actually messing it up or ending up without any accidents and mishaps? Why do I always end up being my clumsy self and then land myself in trouble. Arghhhh…… Forget it. Now before he comes back with the pack of frozen peas, let me quickly sneak in the bathroom and freshen and look a little more presentable. Although that won’t make any huge difference as he has already seen my dirty, vagrant looking self; but a man could try right? With that thought in mind, I quickly went in, found a spare toothbrush and cleaned myself before coming out and taking a seat on the bed.

Not even a minute later, I see him enter the room followed by two little footsteps, who was trying to peak at me by hiding behind the long muscular legs of Mr. Savit. I smile looking at the attempts of the girl to take a sneak peak at me yet trying her best to stay hidden Mr. Savit. Seeing her trying hard, I quietly got up, trying not to scare her, took slow steps towards her and crouched down beside her. I lay my hand out in front of her to shake as I introduced myself, ‘Hi beautiful. I am Tai.’

She was in dilemma, whether to shake hands or not, or even introduce herself. She was trying to judge me, if I were good enough to be friend with, she even took a look at Mr. Savit trying to ask him through her eyes, if she could trust me. To which Mr. Savit nodded his head, telling her to go ahead and be friend me. Getting the confirmation from Mr. Savit, she slowly stuck her little hands out and said, ‘Hewllo. My name is Arisa.’ I smiled and told her, ‘A beautiful name for a beautiful princess’ and this made her smile and come out from her hiding place behind Mr. Savit’s legs.

Thinking that I might need more clarification on who this cute little was, Mr. Savit added ‘She is Arisa, five years old and my sister.’ I was shocked, I never expected for him to have such a young sibling, but well who cares. Dressed in cute baby blue jumper and white skirt, with a pony tail, and a cute little unicorn bag pack she was a total package of ‘cuteness overloaded.’

½ hr later,

Now seated at the dining table, we were having our breakfast which consisted of shrimp and pork porridge, one of my absolute favourites for breakfast. However, it turns out that it was not only my favourite but also Arisa’s. In the past ½ hour, we both had bonded pretty well and now I was one of her best friends, which I didn’t mind at all. In addition, Mr. Savit was shocked to see Arisa bonding with me so well, because according to him Arisa never warmed to anyone this soon, not enough Mr. Vit whom she has been seeing since her birth. To which, I told him that ‘I’m honoured to befriend her this fast then,’ and he just nodded his head.

After our breakfast, I was about to go back home, freshen up and then go to office, but what I never expected was for Mr. Savit to assign me the task of babysitting Arisa for the day and not come to office as he had head out of town for an important meeting and can’t the cute fluff ball with him. Moreover, before I could ask him about his parents taking care of he said, ‘My parents went to Chiang Mai for a funeral for two days, hence I am responsible for her for the upcoming two days.’ I did not mind looking after Arisa, but I wanted to make sure if she was okay with spending the day with me. And the moment I asked her if she wanted to spend the day with me, she had big smile on her face and clapped her hands saying yes.

‘So it’s settled then. You can take the day off and look after Arisa, while I’ll pick her up at night.’ Said Mr. Savit. I smiled, but then suddenly a thought came to my mind, how if I took her to the museum, so I asked Mr. Savit about it and he said ‘Do whatever suits you.’


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