Chapter 13: Two can play the game!

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Tai’s POV:

I was shocked, I couldn’t comprehend what just happened. I think I’m too drunk to understand what actually happened. Yes! I think I am dreaming but his words ‘Forget it! It was just a moment of weakness, didn’t allow me to think otherwise. I knew had kissed me but now didn’t want to acknowledge it. But did I really want him to accept the fact that he kissed me and actually acknowledge the fact that there was something, some undeniable attraction was there between us?

I did not know. I still had not figured out my feelings for Mr. Savit. Like, he was attractive, handsome, a family guy, a hardworking and a workaholic individual to say the least. But all of this was not enough to fall for him, instead it was his actions that always made me crave for more. Since the day I met him, there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t thought of him, his extremely weird sometimes heart fluttering actions towards me. And then the way he always came out as my knight in shining armour, always made me queasy but in a good way. Moreover, after my talk with Kiet, I have started noticing Mr. Savit’s actions in order to understand whether he really liked me, whether he behaved the same way with others like he did with me? And all this sleuthing did bring me some conclusions and that were; Mr. Savit was pretty uch cold to everyone else other than a few people close to him like Mr. Vit, Mr. David the IT department head and surprisingly me.

All of these thinking started adding up to my headache, which was on its way because of excessive drinking. Wanting to sleep and not ponder upon any more than required at the moment, I removed my jacket and lied down on the sofa while I put a cushion on the back of my head to use it as a pillow for the night. The moment my head touched the cushion, and my body lay flat on the sofa, I released a sigh of relief and closed my eyes to get some sleep.

Next day morning,

I woke up with a splitting headache, which was not sudden given all the drinking that I was forced to do. However, sliding my legs down the sofa, I found myself wrapped in a blanket, and it was no secret who had given it to me. I snorted thinking of his yesterday’s moment of weakness, Mr. Savit was a really strange guys. He did the exact opposite of what he said. Hence, even I decided to spice it up more for him and decided to go after Mr. Savit, just to see to what extent can he go to maintain his distance from me. I had this wicked smile on my face when I said, “Well two can play the game Mr. Savit Asnee, if you are going go hard on me and yourself when it comes to admitting your feelings, then well two can play the game.’

“Why are you sitting there like that with bed hair and smiling like a maniac?” I was startled by the sudden interruption in my plan of making Mr. Savit accept his feelings for me and got almost got a heart attack when I saw Mr. Savit leaning on the kitchen door frame shirtless with his hands folded in front of his chest. Seeing him shirtless this quick wasn’t in my propaganda, so I was not ready for the full blown hotness thrown my way, which made me blush and cover my eyes, before throwing a couple of silent profanities at him. But knowing that he couldn’t hear me, I raised my voice a bit and said ‘What the hell. You scared me. And why aren’t you wearing any clothes?’

‘Well, if you open your eyes a bit properly, then you would have noticed that I am not naked instead just shirtless.’

‘Yes! Pretty much the same thing. Why aren’t you wearing your shirt?’ I retaliated.

‘My house. My wish. Moreover, I just worked out so I was feeling hot.’

I just nodded my head and stood up to leave. I neatly folded the blanket kept it on the sofa and then turned around to ask Mr. Savit to ask the directions for the bathroom, so that I could freshen up a bit and look a little presentable before I stepped out of this luxurious hotel looking like a total vagrant. However, he was nowhere to be seen, so I decided to find it myself instead of wasting my time waiting for him. Soon enough, I found the bathroom which was located right across the kitchen. I went in freshened up and then came out to tell Mr. Savit that I was leaving and shall see him in office later. But he was nowhere to be found on the ground floor, so that only left with the option to make my way up the flight of stairs to the first floor, where his room and other bedrooms might be.

Here you go!! Another update. Happy Reading. 💜

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