Chapter 26: I like him but...

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Savit’s POV:

It’s been three hours since, Tai was taken inside the OR, and the doctors were yet to come out and update us about his condition. I was restless, I was forced to sit down on the bench and wait patiently for the doctors but couldn’t. Meanwhile, I did not have the guts to go and see my baby lying on the hospital bed attached to some tubes. After Tai was stabbed, Arisa went into a panic attack seeing her bunny hurt and unconscious lying in a pool of blood. The paramedics who came there to take them to the hospital had to put Arisa to sleep forcefully with the help of medicines. They said that it would make her sleep for at least five hours straight and she anyways needed it. While I was still pacing outside the OR, my mom was with my baby.

Kiet; Tai's brother was furious when he first saw his brother rushed into the OR all bloodied. He even punched me hard asking, ‘Why did his brother have to get involved in my shitty matters and get hurt? He did not deserve this.” And I could only keep saying sorry to him because there was nothing else that I could do for now. I could just say sorry and pray that Tai came back to us…to Arisa and…to me alright. Lost in my thoughts, I almost failed to notice that the red light out of the OR had turned off, meaning the operation was over. However, a little nudge from my dad brought me back to my senses and I sprinted towards the doctor the moment they came out of the room.

“How is he Doc?”

“Is he ok? Is my brother ok?” Asked Kiet.

“Ah…yes, but we do not know when will he wake up.”

“Wh…why?” my voice almost quivered.

“Even though he was lucky enough that the knife did not damage his kidney, but it did damage his blood vessels and some lymph nodes. (I do not know about any medical stuff so…please spare me) So even if we stitched it up, he lost a lot of blood.”

“Can we see him?” Kiet asked.

“He is now being transferred to ICU and will be kept there until he regains his consciousness. He will be strictly kept under observation until then. So you all can see him from the outside.”

And we all could only nod, and let the doctors do what seemed fit. After Kiet, it was my turn to go and see Tai, but I did not have the courage to, just like I did not have the guts to meet my princess yet. I know I couldn’t face my princess yet because I was afraid to lose her and felt guilty that I couldn’t save her from that monster Aran, but for Tai… I was scared that real feelings will come out, the moment I see him. I know, I like him but…I couldn’t let him or anyone know about it, because I will not be able to bear it if I see him getting hurt once again because of me. He has already done so much for me and Arisa and I can’t be thankful enough. That is the reason why I can’t, just can’t confess, nor go and meet him, until I have a got a strong hold on my heart.

Tai’s POV:

My eyes were closed but I could hear the heart monitor beeping and pain around my abdomen. I knew was in the hospital, but I did not know for how long was I out. But being in the hospital also meant that we were saved, I was able to save Arisa. However, a few minutes later a doctor rushed in, but I don’t remember calling for anyone, maybe the nurse who stays in ICU 24/7 might have informed the doctor. The doctor checked all my vitals, asked me how I was feeling then said something to the nurse about my medicines and asked me to shift to a private room. I was now shifted in the private room, waiting for Mr. Savit to show up, so that I could ask him about Arisa’s health. However, the first person to come and visit me was my brother.
Not that I am complaining, as I always will be grateful to have Kiet in my life, but I just wanted to meet Mr. Savit first. I don’t know why but…anyways the moment Kiet entered the room, he broke down and started crying. Yes, he started crying holding my hands, and kept on saying,

“Do you know how scary it was to not be able to contact you? To see you injured and lying unconscious?”

I almost ended up laughing but I know what he must have felt. Even though we don’t share a very lovey-dovey siblings relationship but we love and care for each other deeply.

“I am sorry. I promise it will never happen again. But see I’m here all fine now.”

“Why are you sorry? It wasn’t your fault. It’s all because of that Savit.” said Kiet.

“Kiet, it’s not his fault. How would he have known that some psycho going to come and kidnap his sister and his newly appointed marketing head because he thinks that we are in a relationship?”

“Are you not? Because the way you protected Arisa and now are taking sides, no one will say that you are not dating him.”

I rolled my eyes and replied, “I was just stating facts you know and won’t you save a baby if you see them in a problem?”


“What cat got your tongue?”

“Nope. It is nothing like that, I just don’t want to tire you out right now with my comebacks, because I want you to rest and get well soon.”

“Aha…but when can I leave the hospital? I want to go back home.”
“You just woke up, you idiot. It is going to take some time. However, I will go and talk to the doctor about it, until then get some sleep.”

“Hmm.. but Kiet how long was I out for?”

“Three days.”



“What about Arisa? Is she ok?”

“Yes. Just had got a panic attack seeing you all bloodied and hurt, but was discharged yesterday. However, the doctor suggested some Psychiatric sessions, in order to help overcome the trauma. Now if you are done inquiring about everyone, then get some rest. I’ll be back soon. And before you ask about Mom & Dad, then let me tell you, ‘They know you are injured and will come to meet you once you are discharged from the hospital.”

“Okay, Sir.”

After Kiet left, I was left alone with my thoughts, where I kept about a hundred different reasons why would Mr. Savit not come and meet me. Reasons like if he was angry with me for putting Arisa’s life in danger or with me for being clumsy and getting caught up in all this drama or because…because he thought to fire me, as did not want any more drama in his life. However, all this excessive thinking put me to sleep even without me noticing it.

Another chapter is here, so happy reading 💜

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