Chapter 24: Rescue (Part 2)

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Savit’s POV:

Thinking that they may be kept in the storage room, I tiptoed toward the room and slowly opened the door, only to hear…Arisa’s loud screams but not from the storage room. They were not in the storage room. I turned around and followed the screams, they were in the equipment room, but why there?

Arisa was screaming her lungs out, she was constantly calling Tai’s name. ‘Bunny. Bunny. No harm Bunny.’ Meaning they were hurting Tai, and they all have to pay for what they are doing. They were hurting my people and I will not allow that. I had to save them but before I entered the equipment room, I quickly notified the police to enter because I knew I could not do this alone. But even before I could press the call button, I heard Tai’s heart-wrenching scream and the phone almost dropped from my hand.

Tai’s POV:

It seemed like another day had passed when in reality it had just been 24 hours until now. It was now night-time. We had not eaten for a day, just surviving on water. Both of us were exhausted, Arisa almost passed out, if not for the person who was guarding the door. I kept her distracted by either making her sleep or kept telling her stories of my childhood, which kept her mind away from asking me the same question again and again to which I had no answer. ‘When were we going home?’
Most probably it was evening now and the sun had set, judging by how dark the room had turned. Not like the room had much light source from the out but yes, I think if one paid attention one could figure it out. Arisa was hungry but I had nothing to give her. Hence, I tried distracting her again but now she started crying and almost fainted because of over-exertion. I screamed in panic,
‘Arisa. Arisa baby what happened? Just some more time, I promise. Please be strong, baby.’

Tears fell from my eyes, as I saw the almost unconscious body of the little girl in my arms. How inhuman can someone be? What did that devil want? And why was it taking Mr. Savit so long? But hearing my screams, the person guarding the door came in. He understood what was happening and quietly took out a chocolate bar from his pocket and gave me. As I looked up to take the chocolate bar, he gave me this sympathetic smile, which I wanted to wipe off his ugly face. I know he helped us by giving us that chocolate bar but if he wanted to atone for his sins by doing this then he was wrong.

A few hours later…

Don’t know how many hours have passed, we both had fallen asleep but the noise of the opening door made me stir awake from my sleep.

“Ah…ha. I see the sleeping beauty has woken up from his sleep?”

I just kept quiet and chose not to answer, instead bringing Arisa closer to me by taking her in my arms. I did not believe this man at all. What did he want? Why was he after us? What was his relation to Mr. Savit? Wait… Is he Mr. Savit’s ex? But why is he after us then? I mean Mr. Savit is still single, then why?

Lost in my theories of trying to figure out why this crackhead had kidnapped us and his relationship with Mr. Savit, I failed to notice how close he come to us. I only noticed when I felt a cold metal touching my skin.

“Such smooth bright skin and it will be destroyed if I hit him right?” The psychopath asked while sliding the gun from my forehead to my cheeks. I was scared and disgusted but did not dare to move an inch in the fear that, ‘What if he pulled the trigger?’ But what he did next was unexpected. He got a hold of my hair with his other hand and made me stand up and started dragging me to the equipment room. While Arisa was forcefully taken away from my hold, which made her wake up from sleep and she started crying.

They took us to the equipment room, Arisa was out of control, and I had to make her stop crying otherwise she would faint. So even though I was still being held by that psychopath, I tried to stable my voice as much as I could and called out to Arisa.

“Arisa, my brave girl, look at me and listen to me.”

She stopped crying but was still wailing, nevertheless looked at me. So I continued speaking.

“My princess, do not cry ok? If you want to meet your brother soon and then play with me, you will not cry and be strong ok, my princess?”

She nodded her head and stopped crying, but it seems that it drove the psychopath crazier, so he slapped me hard. My already busted lips, busted again as blood trickled down my chin.
“Playing house-house are we? Do you think this is the time for you to calm down your sister-in-law? And if you are so interested in playing that then, how about I show you what you get to be a part of the Asnee family?”

He dragged me and threw me in front of a machine. It was a plastic sealing machine. I did not what he planned to do but I knew it would not turn out well.

“Switch it on.” He told one of his minions.

Now, I knew what was to come next. He took my right hand and tried putting it under the hot machine, I tried resisting but it all seemed to go in vain. He did not like the resistance and slapped me once again, this made Arisa scream out loud.

“Bunny. No harm Bunny.”

I wanted to shout and tell her not to scream because this would only make the psycho more insane but I couldn’t. Still, I tried. However, the moment he saw me trying to make Arisa quiet again he almost knocked me out with a hit of his gun and also burned my hand. This made me scream my lungs out, he was going to hit me again but right at that moment the door of the room opened and Mr. Savit entered. He was here, we were saved.

I know it's been long since I updated but I am busy with my university assignments and couldn't really focus here. But I promise, I'll try to update the next chapter asap. Until then keep reading, and check out my other books as well.

Lots of love 💜
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