Chapter 17: Is it me or Arisa?

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Tai’s POV:

I did not understand why did the stalker stalk us? Was it the same person who followed us the other day? I was now scared to walk alone or with Arisa because I feared that the stalker would stalk us again and then harm us. I couldn’t even say any of these to Mr. Savit because I did not have any proof and even if he believed me, he might get angry on the fact that put his beloved sister’s life in danger because well as you know; I am a trouble magnet.

Three days later;

For the past few days, I have been taking a cab home instead of traveling by the metro because I feared that the stalker might stalk again. According to everyone else, I was acting weird for the past few days. Obviously, I did! I was scared that someone might again jump out from somewhere and start following me. I was running late today because I woke up late as I was busy working on the annual budget of the marketing department last night. It was due this Friday and I had just two days to complete the budget before presentation. As I rushed inside the office building to get into the elevator and not get a late mark and get my salary deducted, I was stopped by Tiraya.

“Tai. Why are you rushing?”

“Because I am late Tiraya. Ok. So see you later.”

“No. No, wait before you go to your office.”


“That’s because Mr. Savit wants to see you in his cabin.”

“What? Why?”

“I don’t know. He just told me to convey this message to you whenever I see you coming in.”

“Ok. I’ll go and see him.”

Savit’s POV:

I have been noticing Tai, since the day he came back with Arisa from the park and he has been behaving really weird. He is always jumpy, gets scared if someone approaches him unannounced and also is taking a cab back home. All of this was weird. I did not know what had happened that day, that made him so paranoid but I needed to know the reason. I had initially decided to approach him sooner for the same but was caught up in sorting the problem with the American clients. Hence, today was the day that I decided to confront him and ask him if something was troubling him.

‘Knock, knock.’

“Come in,” I said.

The bunny face slowly entered the room and stood in front of me with his eyes moving here and there but not directly looking at me. I cleared my throat and said,

“Hm… Please have a seat.”

He took a seat and then asked,

“Why did you want to see me sir?”  But still not looking at me and that irritated me.

“Look at me when you are talking to me and I had to ask you about something?”

He looked at me and then asked,
“What is it sir?”

I was satisfied. I was happy for the eye contact, even though I’ll probably never accept it out loud. Anyway without wasting much time, I decided to ask him what was bothering him.

“Well, I wanted to ask you, ‘Are you ok?’ I have been noticing you for the past few days and I think that you might have something to share?”

“I do not have anything to share Mr. Savit and I am really ok. What will happen to me?”

“Are you sure? You can talk to me if something is troubling you.”

“Why would I not be sure of how I am feeling? And trust me I’ll definitely come to you if there is really something.”

And with that being said, he excused himself and went out of the cabin, making me more worried about him. In the past few months, the little bit of time that I have spent with him has shown me his true self. He was like an open book, who no matter what how hard he tried to lie and keep things hidden couldn’t. His eyes gave out everything. I wanted to pressurize him into telling me what was wrong but I couldn’t because….. because that is when my mind me asked me the question, ‘Why does it matter to you?’
‘Yes, why did it matter to me?’ I had decided to stay away from him and not let my mind wander around with his thoughts or let my heart fall into his cute trap of love & sweetness because of what had happened all those years back, but yet again, I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about him and look after him. May be I was concerned about him because he has been acting weird ever since the day he came back from the park with Arisa and it may also have something to do with Arisa. Yes. Yes that was the reason why I was worried about him and that’s how I made my heart understand the reason behind this worry.

Tai’s POV:

It was 10 pm when I finished my work for the day. Throughout the whole day, I didn’t let my mind wander around Mr. Savit’s concern for me. It was sudden and I was totally not prepared for it. Like come on, he always liked to run away from me and his feelings, then why did he suddenly decide to showcase his concern for me? Oh yes, because it also may be related to his sister that is why. Anyway, after a tiring day, I did not have any energy left to left my mind and heart wonder into Mr. Savit’s sudden concerns and take more load, hence I stood up switched the lights off and went to out to go home.
However, god had other plans because when I tried booking a cab online, I couldn’t find any and when I tried hailing one from the roadside, they were all full. Like why? Just why? What did I ever do to deserve this kind of enmity from god? Having no other option, I decided to walk further to look taxis and go home, but that is when I felt a presence behind me, that was following me. I looked around but found no one, just like the last time. I tried to not give away to my stalker that I was scared and started looking for a taxi more fervently. The person kept on following me until I got a taxis 15 minutes later and rode back home. I was now confused. I did not understand whether the stalker was behind me or Arisa? The last two times made me feel that they were following her but today, she was not there with me, then why did they follow me? For what? I was not rich, kidnapping me would be fruitless. Then why?

So here you go guys!!!! Another chapter is here. Happy reading 💜
And Merry Christmas guys. 🎄

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