Chapter 34: Why would you do that?

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Hey guys!!! I'm back with a new update. I'm sorry for the long wait, but I have recently started a job. Hence, I'm still figuring my way around so that I could be regular with the updates. 🤗 Hope you all will be patient with me and won't give up on the book.

Tai’s POV:

Today, again, we were summoned to the meeting room, just like yesterday. However, the vibe of the room was very different from yesterday’s. It wasn’t gloomy but joyful. I wonder if we have solved the problem. And my doubts were confirmed the moment Mr. Savit’s voice boomed through the large room.

“We have done it. Our incredible workers and engineers have made this possible. We have solved the crisis, and now, just the remaining work is pending. Just a few more hours of hard work, and we can all have a successful launch and a well-deserving holiday.”

The moment Mr. Savit announced this, a roar of congratulations, and laughter erupted into the room. The once dull and tense faces of the employees were all now basking in the warmth and happiness of overcoming a huge obstacle. This news made me over the moon as well. We all could take a break now. Nevertheless, even after the happy news was shared, the meeting continued for another half an hour. By the end of the meeting, I was totally drained, but I was happy that I even went ahead and greeted Mr. Savit’s dad and congratulated him. However, what I also did was ignore Mr.Savit, because why pay attention when he was the one to ignore me first?

Although, what I didn’t expect was the next thing that happened. I’m sure it was not only me who was shocked but also all the people present in the meeting room. Mr. Savit just dragged me across the hall in front of others. Can you believe it? He did not stop until he stood in front of his car. The moment he stopped in front of his car, I jerked my hands off his grip and asked him,

“Why would you do that?”

“Why would I do what?”

“As, if you don’t know what I’m talking about?”

For a moment, he was silent, and I thought that he would not reply, but he did reply.

“I could see that you would collapse any moment now if you don’t rest and take your medicines, so I’m taking you home with me. I think we both need some rest.”

“Rest? But the others are still working, it would not look good if we go back.” I complained.

“No. It’s ok, and everyone knows that you are unwell, so… and if it's about me, I’m just going to go home for a few hours. I’ll be back in the office first thing in the morning.” said Mr. Savit.

“Ok, then. Thank you. I’ll take your leave. See you tomorrow.” I said and was about to turn around and leave, but before I could even take a step toward the exit of the parking lot, Mr. Savit held my hand again.

“Where are you going?”

“Home?” I answered or questioned, even I was not sure.

The moment I said this, a smirk appeared on his face and almost looked like a devil. He then quickly dragged me inside his, where his driver was already waiting. I looked at him quizzically, trying to understand what he was trying to do. Noticing my sharp gaze on him, he looked at him and gave me his million-dollar smile while saying,

“Oh!! I forgot to inform you that you are coming with me to my house.”

I was shocked, like ‘Wait! What?’ I’m going to Mr. Savit’s house.

Why? And before I could unleash my curiosity on him, he again answered,

“Well…Arisa misses you dearly, and it's the second closest place to the office after my penthouse.”
Arisa misses me? Aww, I also miss my princess, I smiled.

At Mr. Savit’s house…

The moment we stepped out of the car, a sleeping Arisa came running into my arm. I wondered how she got to know that I was going to come here. Maybe Mr. Savit must have informed her. But I was disappointed because it disturbed my sweetheart’s precious sleep. Anyway, after picking her up into my arms, we walked inside, and all the way up to her room, she just mumbled,

“I missed you, bunny. Arisa is so happy that Bunny came.”

I just smiled and was grateful for the affection that the little soul showered upon me. After tucking her in, I came out of her room, followed by Mr. Savit, who had not left my side ever since we exited the office. I was getting irritated, but now I couldn’t lash out at him in my own house. Could I? No, right? So, I just heaved a huge sigh and let him follow me around. While I was lost in my thoughts, I had missed the arrival of Mr. Savit’s mom. I only came back to the real world when she asked Mr. Savit to show the guest room while she prepared a quick light dinner for us.

After I had thanked Mrs. Asnee, I followed Mr. Savit to the guest room, where he then gave me a pair of night dresses and asked me to freshen up before we went downstairs to eat some food. I nodded and then waited for him to leave so that I could go and change. But it seems like he was busy staring at me, and I will have to bring him out of his dreamland. So, I did what was required, that was, to call him.

“Mr. Savit.”

“Mr. Savit.” No response. Huh? Was he so tired that he went to sleep standing here?

So, I went ahead to shake him, and the moment my fingers touched his shoulder to bring him back to reality, he held my hand and said,

“Huh? What?” This was my reply.

Like what was he trying to say?
Feeling my confused gaze upon him, he said,

“Call me, P’Savit from now on.”
And I was stunned, like, what in the world was happening?

Happy Reading. Let the votes and comments pour in.💜

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