Chaper 36 - MAYA

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The streets of Brooklyn passed me by as I sat in the back seat silently plotting my next move. Javi was in the front seat silently praying in Spanish while Rafael drove.

We were on the way to talk to Mateo and D5 about what we're doing next and to say that I wasn't fearful would be a bold lie.

But I didn't have time to focus on the bad. Tunnel vision was steadily creeping in and the only thing I was focused on was getting even.

Rafael pulled into the parking garage we met at previously, only driving up a few levels instead of going to the top deck like last time.

He parked and we sat in silence as I looked around, seeing several other cars and people gathered around.

"The fuck is this? Choir rehearsal?" I asked irritated.

"You thought we were gonna take on the Mafia alone?" He frowned, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"That's exactly what I wanted to do."

"Then you're crazier than I thought."

"How? Less bodies equal less chances of getting caught."

"If this plan is solid then we won't need to worry about getting caught."

"It's solid but I'm not running around with fifteen other dudes."

"You can't ask for help then complain about who's doing the helping. We're in this together whether you like it or not."

I unbuckled my seat-belt, hopping out of the car with the twins. We approached the Dodge Challenger I remembered all too well.

Mateo was leaning against his car as D5 stood beside him, talking as they passed a blunt.

"About time y'all showed up. Started thinking y'all forgot how important this was," Mateo said.

Javi frowned, "Nigga my people laid out in the hospital so we know exactly how important this is."

"Clearly you don't, because if you did? We would've handled business yesterday instead of tonight. Now we look weak and they know we're coming."

"I don't give a damn if we looked like grilled chicken," I spat, "that goofy ass bitch shot my family. Now's the time to act."

"The time to act is not now! I told you to make a choice and you spit on my words as if they were nothing. Now you want me to jump at your command to fix this."

"I made a mistake."

"You made several mistakes. The first mistake was underestimating a man with a vendetta and willpower."

"Are we going to keep going down regret avenue or are we gonna make shit happen?"

He nodded as he smoked his blunt. "I'm all ears. But if it doesn't make sense, me and my gang are going back to the hood."

"Ayo who side you on? You've been against me this entire time."

"I might be. Difference is I can sleep peacefully tonight knowing I've done my part. What about you?"

I rolled my eyes, "You done?"


"I say we find his best guy and send a message."

"I'm out."

"The hell do you mean you're out?"

"I'm out because sending a message isn't going to do shit. We need actions. We need more than a message, we need a fucking nuclear bomb."

They Don't Know {Sequel}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora