Chapter 11 - JAMILA

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August 2022
2:36 PM

"Mr. Pryor, I need you to be completely honest and straightforward tomorrow during your hearing. If you slip up at any point, you risk losing this case entirely and will have little to no chance of winning over the jurors. Understand?"

The old man shook his head, agreeing with his statement of warning.

"Alright, your hearing is at ten o'clock sharp but I need you here at nine so we can prep you for the stand. Call me if you have any concerns by then."

The two men stood up and shook hands as we watched Mr. Pryor leave the office and be met by a few officers who escorted him from the room.

"Jesus, this guy. You'd think that a sixty-year-old man would understand the concept of not committing an act of terrorism."

"Okay I know we've been over his case a few times, but I'm still confused. What'd he do again?"

"He threatened to burn down the coffee shop down the street because they don't serve his favorite brand of orange juice."

I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh but it slipped out anyway.

"Are you serious?!"

Thomas finished stacking the papers on his desk before putting them in his briefcase.

"As serious as he was about burning down the coffee shop." He laughed.

My current job was to make sure I assist the attorney that I'm assigned to with anything they need. Whether it's filing paperwork or writing down information for a trial, I was all in.

Thomas was my attorney for the next month and a half. We've worked together on a case before this one and I can honestly admit that this has been an amazing month on the job.

I feel like I've been working here forever.

"Hopefully the jurors will let him slide, he seems very passionate."

"Maybe, maybe not. He was arrested in his late teenage years for arson during a riot in Detroit. Got sentenced to four years at a correctional facility in upper Michigan. This isn't his first rodeo."

"Oh," I mumbled. "We'll just have to do our best to make sure he's ready to go tomorrow."

Thomas smiled, "You've been really helpful these past few weeks Jamila. I really thank you for your help. After my intern left, I thought I'd be alone in this office until retirement."

I laughed, "No worries. Working beside you is fulfilling. I'm happy to be here and assist an any way."

He squinted at my last words, grabbing tight to a folder in his hand. "Well, since you mention it. I'm about to go over to the DA's office and grab some paperwork for another case. You think you can run this folder down to the document shoot on the second floor?"

"Sure," I shrugged, "I was just about to clock out anyway. I'll drop it off on my way out."

"Great! Thank you so much Jamila. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What about the trial?"

"That's what I meant, the trial. You are coming with me right?"

"I-I didn't know. This will be my first legal proceeding."

"Don't worry. You'll sit in my corner and get to see all the action up close and personal. I'll make sure you have clearance with your badge so security won't hassle you."

I was in shock, I've worked a case before yes but I've never gotten the chance to attend an actual trial. What if I do something wrong?

"Look Jamila, I know you're new to this. Trials can seem scary at first but you're not the only newbie.....What'd you go to college for?"

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