Chapter 5 - MAYA

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July 22, 2022
Valdosta, GA
9:23 AM

"Alright, your paperwork has been completed and you'll be receiving a letter in the mail from your parole officer within the next week. You are not allowed to leave the state of Georgia for the next two months. You are also not allowed to handle any sort of firearm under any capacity. These are the basic terms to your early release and any infraction with the law can and will revoke your appeal. You will then be incarcerated for the remainder of your initial sentence which is five years and two months. Your parole officer will be arranging a meeting with you soon to discuss the rest of the terms to your appeal. Sign the bottom of this release form to confirm you understand all that I've said to you today."

I grabbed the pen from the side of the document and swiftly signed my name on the bottom of the page.

"Alright. Maya Isabel Garcia, you are now officially released from the Georgia State Penitentiary. I wish you the best of luck on your new life."

I gave the director a head nod before standing up and shaking his hand.

"Thank you sir. Hope I'll never have to see you again."

He chuckled, "The feeling's mutual Garcia. Have a great trip home."

The warden came in the room and escorted me from the premises, making a smooth route to the front doors of the facility. I gave head nods to the faculty we passed by that I associated with along the way.

These last four and a half years have been nothing short of miserable. I fought hard to stay out of solitary confinement and tried not to get into any altercations during my time.

But of course, that didn't work.

Let's just say that a few of Kayla's people were in the same pod I was and we didn't get along whatsoever. But I managed, regardless of the glares and threats I received.

The wardens treated me decent so I never had to worry about being set-up or disrespected on their end, which is exactly how I planned it.

My visiting rights got revoked when the year started so I haven't been able to see my family in months. I'd been stuck in my cell depressed because of it so I fought back by sending an appeal to the judge.

Luckily my clean penitentiary record made it that much easier to get my appeal approved. But of course, there were some terms to the conditions of my release.

The warden led me through the final gate of the facility and we stepped into the morning sun.

My eyes were a bit sensitive to the sunlight since I hadn't been going out much, but I was grateful for my chance to be free. I won't take it for granted ever again.

"Alright Garcia, this is your last stop. I'll open those gates once you get down there."

I nodded. "Thanks Harold. See you in hell friend."

He laughed, shaking my hand with a smirk, "I'll save you a seat."

I adjusted the backpack that was digging into my shoulder before making my walk down the dirt path to the gates that led out of the facility and to the back parking lot.

I took one final look at the large building and sighed to myself, praying I'd never have to see the inside of those doors another day in my life.

A blaring car horn broke me from my thoughts as I snapped my head to see where it was coming from. An all black Benz sat outside of the gates and I smiled, faintly seeing the smile of my bestest friend from a distance.

I sped-walked down the rest of the path and waited patiently as the gates began to open. My heart was racing as she got off the hood of the car and closely stood by the gate.

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