Chapter 26 - JAMILA

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11:29 AM

"Everybody got their luggage?"

I nodded, making sure that I checked my surroundings before grabbing my purse from the bed.

Today we arrived back in New Orleans and I couldn't begin to express my excitement for going back home. This trip was nice but Saturday nights events put a damper on the entire weekend.

Maya lying to me and making me look like a complete idiot for trusting her was the worst part of it all. I should've listened to my gut after Dinah and I's conversation.

"Mila, you okay?" I glanced up from my spot on the bed and saw both Ryan and Adri giving me concerned looks.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just ready to go home."

"Hey, I know this trip turned out to be a bummer but look on the bright side. We're traveling now. We're officially adults in this crazy ass world."

I smiled, Ryan was right. I couldn't let this issue destroy my mood for the rest of my life. It was time to face the truth and move on.

"You're right. Besides, I think the spa was the highlight of this trip. It was so comforting."

"Yesss I'm so glad that they let us squeeze in a last minute session last night."

After taking a much needed stroll Saturday night, I came back to the room to find that Dinah had packed up her stuff. Apparently her and Adri made an agreement to swap rooms so that everyone was comfortable.

Even though they were at each other's necks at first, I really commended Adri for her maturity and sympathy for Dinah after Maya dragged her in front of everyone.

Adri ended up rooming with us and Dakota was sleeping in here that particular night but ultimately slept in Nia's suite on the couch last night. He didn't make a big deal about it and was happy to make everyone satisfied.

"Can I be honest with y'all for a minute?"

Ryan nodded and sat beside me on the bed, "Of course. What's on your mind?"

".....I don't know what to do."

The girls looked at me in confusion.

"Do about what?"

".....This whole girl thing. I'm not sure I want to tell my mom just yet."

"Aw Mila," Adri cooed, "is it because of Maya?"

"I mean part of it, yeah. I don't want to be out if I'm not out with the person I've wanted this entire time. It seems pointless. I don't know which way to go."

"Well for starters, you have to understand that Maya isn't the only girl in the world. There are plenty of women out there that would love to be with someone like you."

"I guess."

"And secondly, don't base your future off of one person. This is a life-changing decision Mila. You should make that choice on your own terms and not because of someone else."

"True. I'm just bummed because I didn't see a future with anyone besides her. Even with Jalen I was always nervous about being with him because I didn't see much of a future with us together so I knew that our time together wasn't promised."

"Things change Mila. That's not your fault."

"You keep saying that. I'm starting to feel like I'm the problem."

Ryan sighed, "You're not the problem Jamila. The problem is with Maya and her issues. We know how she is and what she does. It's no secret that she's headstrong and passionate about everything, especially love. I'm not taking up for her but I can see why she was hesitant to tell you anything."

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