Chapter 47

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We get to the boarding school which I'm now a part of. I laugh at the sight of Ellison and Madison still fighting. I raise and eyebrow when I see Elenor and Avery now fighting as well over the bags, I slowly move my eyes to Ace and Ethan who were in the car having a full on headache and mental breakdown.

I take my bag and go inside the property through the office and the corridors to the elevator and press the button.

We were on the last floor so none else was there, I put in the card but soon realise the door was already opened.

No way someone fucking broke in. I pull out my phone to quickly call one of the guys or girls up here since I'm scared to go in alone but as soon as I take my phone out someone puts a bag over my head and injects me making me fall to the ground.

My vision gets blurry as I try to maintain my sight, my eyes slowly closing. I take in deep breaths trying not to panic and then pass out but I know there is probably not much of a point. I might of not been able to see but I could feel I was being carried in the air.

I hear people whispering around me, men all over, they take the bag off my head and tie me up to a chair, I'm surprised I still haven't passed out yet.

My eyes start closing and I quickly open them again, my vision now getting more intense, I look over at the guy in front of me, I couldn't really see his face too well since I couldn't move my head to look up.

For the best of my efforts, I try to look up again but my head falls back. I groan in pain as I feel my body tense.

He kneeled down in front of me giving me a full on sight of his face. I quickly recognised it, he's laugh sends chills all over my body; my toes to my head, every inch of my muscles tensing in his presence.

I swallow the lump in my throat trying to keep my vision steady but failing when my eyes fall shut.

Before passing out I heard them talking about what they are gonna do with me.

As my brain started shutting down I remember Madison and her words if anything happens you, I will come to get you. No need to worry, I promise.

Those words kept repeating in my head over and over again hoping she meant it, I really hope she meant it.

The only thing I can do now is hope. After all, hope does last right?


I get a notification from my father on my phone telling me to keep the girls safe at all costs. Madison's dad ran away and he's looking for them, he's most likely here already, waiting to make the first move.

I quickly pull Madison away from Ellison and pull her inside the car, ''what are you doing?'' She asks confused.

I ran a hand through my hair as I signal the boys to look on their phones, after they read the messages they all nod and get in the car.

When I was about to leave Madison stopped me ''what are you doing?'' I look over at the road and start the car ''we're leaving'' She stoped the engine, ''what the fuck are you doing Madison?!'' I question.

''Ella is still there!!! We need to go get her? We can't leave her??'' She slightly screamed, ''we need to leave your father is looking for you.''

Her eyes widen but she still doesn't let me go ''another reason to go get her'' she got out of the car and started running towards the building, I cursed underneath my breath keeping my eyes on her as she moved through the crowds of kids, all of them taking pictures and videos and whispering underneath their breaths. Fuckers.

I run over to her and pull her hand, ''I'm coming with you'' she nodded at me, when we got to the top floor my eyes came on ten wide open door.

''Ella would never leave the door open'' her breath got heavier as we came closer to the door. My hand close to my gun.

When we reached the door, I pull out my gun as we step inside, we are then meet with the grind of Madison father looking down at us.


Ella when they put a bag over her head:


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Anyway- god I love ruining peoples families.

Anyway- I have daddy issues- (I have a real dad and a step dad but it's really hard for me to communicate with either of them) okay enough of my life, tell me child, how was your day?

Hope it was well, If not come here and let me give you a BIG BIG hug!! 🫂🥰

Also, we only have three more chapters left.. yay?😍

I'm sad not gonna lie, but I can't wait to not be pressured to publish for a while god damn this kidney has truly been amazing and I'm so happy a lot of you enjoyed it!!🤷🏻‍♀️



(I'm still at the sleepover it's the next day)


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