Chpater 43

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''But what??'' I ask quite desperately, ''do you have siblings?'' She asked me with a pity look, Elenor went to grab something from behind me while I nodded my head.

''Your dad did this to me. He told his men to shoot you, he did all of this, he made your principal to sent you to that boarding school so he can get information out of you. You weren't supposed to fall in love with him, he wanted to use you; that's why he put you in the same place as them.''

That can't be true, my dad would never do that, no matter how hard life has been, held always been there for me, it can't be true. ''How am I supposed to trust you?'' I ask, ''Look, no offence but you need to leave, you probably work for them, don't you?'' Elenor says making her shake her head quickly, ''No! No! God! No! I could never, I swear, I wouldn't try to ruin your family, fuck no. I only have a little more time left, I have all types of drugs thinning down through my veins, I'm not supposed to know this but-'' she chocked out a big poodle of blood.

''But-'' she chokes again, this time more harshly, Avery is tapping her back trying to make her feel better, I look at Elenor signalling her to bring me a glass of water for this girl. I kneel down, ''are you okay?'' I ask softly, she nods looking up at me.

''Look- I will die, nothing can help me, I want you to know the truth Madison. Truth is I've always been jealous of you, perfect just like a doll. God, if I knew what you went through-'' I cut her off panic taking over me, ''wha- what do you mean.. have been through'' my eyes widen with fear at the though of someone else knowing.

''Your dad is a fucker, he's gonna realise the tape. He wants to ruin you Madison. He's is gonna ruin you. You need to find you sister.'' She looks up at me tears running down her cheeks.

''Please- please help my family, I've been missing for 2 months, for 2 months I've had to live like an animal in a cage waiting to be tested.'' I could feel my eyes burning with tears, ''I might not have proof, but- Madison- find your sister-'' I shake my head ''I don't have a sister'' she threw up another blood poodle.

''You do- find her Madison. Find her before it's too late-'' Elenor already gave her water but I haven't even noticed.

''She's in-'' and with those two last words she blacked out.


''Well- what if she's lying?'' Said Elenor, shrugging, ''I mean- you have a sister? Plus your dad would never do that'' Avery nodded in agreement ''can we just not do anything. Like at all? There is literally no way he cheated on your mum, or the other way round.'' I get flashbacks of all the fights my parents had, none of them were physically, just marriage normal shit.

I never knew what they were arguing about, but when I was 5 I saw my mum crying and went and comforted her, I felt bad for her and I didn't talk to daddy for a week, afterwards he bought me 20 barbie dolls and I completely forgot about it.

''So what are we gonna do with the body?'' Avery says looking at the body of a 14 year old girl, ''Tell Ace?'' Elenor shakes her head ''and tell him what?'' I shrug ''the truth?'' She sighed ''If you want to?''

I don't want to hide anything from him and he could help me find out the truth.

I take out the phone when I hear some shuffling, I look on the bed finding Ella waking up slowly, I quickly run over to my makeup desk and pull out some pills to give to her.

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