Chapter 14

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I was in my room getting ready when Madison barged in and jumped onto my bed screaming, giggling, chuckling, blushing and kicking her feet in the air.

''What's up'' I laugh at her, she finally stops but she's still blushing, ''This blonde cute guy asked me out'' she giggles and starts kicking her feet in the air again.

''Lmao, Wait.. you said yes?'' I ask a little bit confused, ''duh'' she rolls her eyes, ''what about Ace'' I ask, she shrugs ''he doesn't want to be in an actual relationship, especially with me, and no I did not make that up he told me himself'' she sighs a little, Awhh my poor baby, I'm gonna kill that stupid fuck, none messes with my girl.

''It's his loss, your gorgeous and strong, if he can't see that then he's fucking blind and I swear I'll kill him'' I hiss at the last part.

She giggles and hides her face at the back of my neck, ''I love you'' she whispers slightly, ''I love you more'' I kiss her cheek, ''hi fuckers'' Elenor kicks the door open, we mumble a hi and go and dress up.

I went with a black tight sparkly dress while Elenor went with a black tight skirt and a back crop top, and Madison went with a black short ass skirt and a black tight top and black boots.



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