Chapter 7

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Why does he care that I'm in a club?? Like he can go duck himself that poor guy probably won't be walking for a week.


I hate this.
I hate my life.
I hate everything.
I hate men.
I hate Ace.

Can anyone else relate?

The rest of the car ride was silent. I don't think it was awkward silence, but definitely not pleasant silence. I don't know man.


I feel like I'm going to throw up.

Oh fuck-

''Ace I'm gonna thro-'' I interrupt myself- well rather my vomit interrupts me.

Yep, that's fucking right. I'm a baddie bitch who just threw up in Ace's car.


''I'm so sorry'' I look over at him.

''it's fine princess, are you okay?'' He questions concerned.

Yeah I'm okay. I think.

I nod, ''I feel dizzy'' I tell him.

''it's fine we're here''

I look up to find out we're in our school's parking lot, which by the way was filled with fancy fucking cars.

He opens the door for me and I stand up, my legs hurt.

I think he saw that because he took my heels off and gave me a piggyback ride while holding my heels in one hand.

I mumble a thank you in return.

I am drunk, usually I make a fun of myself but since I'm depressed...

Anyway, we are now outside our apartments front door.

''Do you need to go to the toilet princess?''

I hum and we go to the bathroom that's for visitors I guess?

He holds my hair back while I throw up my whole stomach. Absolutely disgusting.

''I'm sorry you have to witness this'' I mumbled ''it's okay princess, no need to be sorry'' he doesn't smile.

If I'm being honest I don't think I have seen him smile at all, quite sad I'm sure he's smile is gorgeous.

After I'm done I get up and go to the sink and wash my face, ''could you bring me some water'' I ask nicely.

''Ask nicely'' I give him a wired look ''I did?'' He doesn't say anything, i scoff ''fine, could you please bring me some water'' I roll my eyes at the word 'please'.

''it didn't sound like you meant it'' well duh, smart bitch. I didn't?

''forget it, I'm just gonna get some water by myself'' I walk always but he stops me ''no I'm sorry, I'll do it'' aww, turns out he can actually be .. okay..?

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