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I held his collar and made him stand on his feet. He is shockingly seeing me with his wide eyes. As if he clearly doesn’t know what he did? My veins could be seen clearly on my forehead, my eyes are red due to less sleep and more tears. My hold around his collar didn’t slip a bit.

Blood is oozing out from his nose; his specs broke due to the sudden punch. My gun is inside of my blazer. If he dared to give me wrong information then I won’t take much time to shoot between his eyes.

“What t-he hell? How dare-"

“You dare to say a single word and I will chop your tongue next” My fist around his collar tightens.

“What have I done? Will you leave me? Who are you?” He said, trying to make distance between us but he is now stuck with me like chewing gum and I am not going to throw this trash until he tells me where my wife is.

“You are a criminal and I am not going to leave you until you tell me where the fuck you dropped my wife?” I am gritting my teeth so tight that it will break any minute now.

“Your wife? I don’t know any of your wife” he said, sweat formed around his forehead. With a jerk I left him, making him stumble but he balanced himself.

“What do you mean by any of my wives? I have only one wife” I said, wanted to beat him so hard so that he will utter everything at once

“I don’t know about your first wife, second wife, and third wife. Heck! I don’t even have a girlfriend so how could I have an affair with your wife” He said, taking his specs from the ground, making me fist my own hair.

“Who the hell made you a doctor?” I shouted making him flinch

“I am a neurologist” He said, wearing half broken specs but next second he put it back inside of his pocket.

“I have only one wife who works here. She is Gynec and her name is Dr. Saanvi Singh”

“I don-t what?” He gets shocked as if he didn’t know anything. How could it be possible that Saanvi didn’t tell him anything?

“Saanvi What? Saanvi is married?”

“Yes and now she got kidnapped. Now tell me, where the fuck you dropped her. That night she was your responsibility to drop her back home safely”

“I didn't”

“Do.Not.Lie” I showed him my gun and put it between his forehead. His breath got stuck. He looked at me and then at the gun. I am sure he didn’t think about this.

“I-I am say-ing the truth. I do-n’t know anything. I dropped her at her house.” He said looking at the gun. His hands, forehead, and face were all filled with sweat. His breath becomes uneven. Before I could say anything, someone put his hand on my shoulder.

“He is telling the truth. He dropped her home and after that he went from there. He doesn’t know anything about it. Let’s go” Karan said, making me drop my gun and put it back inside of my blazer. We were about to go when he stopped me

“Are you really her husband?” He asked the stupid question to me, making my hands urge me to knock him off right here.

“Should I show you our Suhaagraat pics?” I gave him dead stares which says
'if you dare to say a word then I will give you deadliest death'

“I hope she is fine. I didn’t know that she was not in the hospital. Please let me know if you find something about her. She is my only friend” He is showing genuine concern. They are friends and he has the right to know if Saanvi is safe or not. With a nod, I left his cabin. All the doctors, nurses are looking at us with horror as if they utter a single word then we will send them to heaven.

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