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Before you all enjoy reading the first chapter, answer this question....

And no cheating.....

I will declare the answer at the end of this chapter....

Question 1.) Who wrote the crime novel "Ten Little Niggers"? 

Answer it fast without searching it on google.....

Also, you all will get update daily for now.....

Whenever there will be the change in my schedule I will update you all.....

2000+ words!


Stepping inside of the club, the loud music of noise was shaking the ground beneath of the shoes, fancy colorful lights were flashing across the room on half-drunk and half already lost their conscience people who smelled full of liquor and sweat.

The spacious venue was adorned with an array of colorful lighting fixtures, casting an ethereal glow upon the dance floor. Bodies moved with fluidity and rhythm, lost in the euphoria of the music.

People from all walks of life converged within these walls, their inhibitions left at the door. Laughter and conversation mingled with the thumping bass, creating an electrifying atmosphere. The air was filled with an intoxicating mix of laughter, cheers and the clinking of glasses.

The club itself exuded a sense of novelty, as if it has just emerged from a cocoon of transformation. Its modern architecture seamlessly blended with the contemporary furnishings, creating an ambiance that was both sleek and inviting. The walls were adorned with large murals, depicting vibrant scenes that seemed to come alive under the glow of the lights.

As the night wore on, the energy within the club intensified. In the heart of this bustling oasis, a group of five boys sat huddled together, their faces illuminated by the kaleidoscope of lights.

They were seated on a rounded couch as they were surrounded by sober ladies in miniskirts working as a waitress for rich people like them.

"Heyyyy boiiiiii, wassup everyone" Vikram said coming inside of the VIP section with beer bottles in his hand and hugged Abhijeet who just joined the group as he was busy with his another business partner who come to look at the new club.

One of the waitress looked at him with his seductress eyes. She bites her red lips between her teeth and holding a lustful gaze at Vikram. As he notices her, he simply wink at her. She put the tray of red wine on the table and stood beside him.

He whispered something near her ear as she put hands on his chest. She looked at him and giving a kiss on his cheeks, she went outside.

"I guess you are enjoying huh!" Abhijeet said teasingly and other boys just chuckled because of his current action.

"Well you open this amazing club so why wouldn't we enjoy huh?" Siddhartha said taking beer bottle in his hand and gulp it like water.

"I just hope you give me profits in return" Said Vidyut taking whiskey in his hand and losing up his tie with another hand to which Abhijeet just rolled his eyes taking a seat for himself.

"Trust me okay, I will give you profit and profit in return. I can take my guarantee on this but what about your luck huh?" Abhijeet said with a smirk on his face to which he pinch the bridge of his nose.

"By the way where are Krish and Sameer?" Karan asked to them.

"Well our Krishi boy must be eating someone's lips" Vikram said and everyone chuckled at his choice of words.

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