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My head is spinning. It hurts. I want to open my eyes but I can’t. I am feeling like all my energy drained and nothing left inside of me. My stomach is hurting too. My body’s aching. I moved my head a little but it is spinning. Where am I? Why am I feeling so low?

By anyhow I open my eyes slowly-slowly. I can’t see anything clearly. Everything looks so blurry. I am feeling tired. I was about to move my hands so that I can rub my eyes but something hard is tied. I can’t move my hand.

I again shut my eyes tightly and again opened it so that I could see it clearly and it worked. It’s so dark here. Just a little bit of light falling from the hole, inside of the room. I could feel dust making me cough a little but only to wince.

My neck is hurting. The back of my neck is hurting so badly that I wasn't able to move it properly. Where am I?

I tried to remember how I reached here then something clicked. Someone makes her smell something and because of that she blacked out. Who did this and why?
I have no enemies if I can remember then why me?

I looked at my surroundings only to see old wires, broken glasses on the floor, old furniture, so many boxes and I don’t know what. There is not enough light inside of the room. I can’t see clearly.
I tried to move my legs and hands but it’s tied. Not with rope but with a metal chain. I can’t move. I am trying to open the chains but all my attempts failed. My knees, my ankles, my wrist, my stomach everything is hurting me.

“Where am I? What is this place?” I murmured trying to find something which will help me to know the place but due to darkness, I can’t see anything.

“Hello? Help me. Is someone here?” I shouted, shouted and shouted until my throat dried.

My head is hurting like hell. Why am I in this situation in the first place? Does anyone know that I am kidnapped? Did Vikram know about me? No one was there yesterday. I should handle this situation calmly. I don’t know the kidnappers ' motives.

Saanvi, calm down first. Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath. Keep your mind and heart relaxed. Do not move otherwise you will get injured. You have to handle the situation smartly if you want to escape from here. There is nothing to be scared of. Just relax. Just relax.

I was trying to motivate myself when I heard someone opening the door. My eyes lit up with sparkles. I think someone heard me shouting and he/she is here to help me.

“I am here. Please help me. Someone kidnapped me. I need your help.” But at the very last moment my all hopes crashed.

No one was here to help me. It is a kidnapper who opened the door. My brows knit in confusion. The guy is wearing all black clothes. Black shoes, black jeans, black t-shirt but…. I can’t see his face.

I want to know who kidnapped me and why?

“You bastard, How dare you? Why you kidna-Ahhhh” he slapped me. He fucking slapped me on my face. How dare he?
Before I could say anything he again slapped me and this time I fell on the floor along with the chair where I was seated.

My hands were tied behind my back and because of that my hand got injured

“Ahhhhhhh!” I screamed in pain. I could smell something cold. I looked at the floor, tilting my head up a little. Few of the blood drops were there, making me aware that my forehead got a cut, making my eyes welled up with tears.

“Ahhhh…le-leave me…” he held my hair with scalp making me wince in pain. I can’t even help myself right now.

He made me sit on the chair but he didn’t leave my hair.

Twist of Destiny (#1 Her Unyielding Hearts)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя