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Hey everyone! First of all sorry because as per the promise I didn't provide you chapter.

Due to my dad's accident I couldn't able to write or think.

Thank you to those who prayed for my dad. He is fine now. He got operated just now and he is fine.

Thanks to God and thank you for your prayers 🙏🙏

If I am providing you chapter even after happening so much in my family then it means you all are special to me.

I am requesting you all to make me feel special as well by making this book reach to other readers and follow me on instagram.

Those who really liking this book and finding the story unique, your appreciation will help me to write more chapters. So do support me.

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Worriedly, I find myself in a situation where everyone around me is having a great time, dancing, partying, and chatting away, while I am left trailing behind a man who is fully capable of causing my downfall. This marriage feels like it will bring nothing but destruction upon my life. I can't help but wonder how many more obstacles I will have to come face-to-face with and confront head-on. His family, his girlfriend, and now even his best friend seem to be against me.

Sometimes I really wonder why they are in the business field when they could be famous actors because they all act so well. Sometimes my heart really wants to give them a standing ovation and whistle so that they all could get to know how efficiently, impressively, and effectively they all act and perform. 

He is going towards the terrace. This is the right moment, right time and right place to make him confront what deed he did in the past. Just because of him every day I have to face my bastard husband who thinks he has all the rights to interfere in my life. 

Even after agreeing with all the points which I mentioned on contract papers, he is behaving like he doesn’t even know about it. Yes, I know he signed the contract papers and put it back on my purse, without letting me know about it. 

How could someone be so dumb? He could have told me about it so that I took a breath of relief at least. But with whom I am expecting? Vikram? Vikram the bastard Khanna who is so self-obsessed with him and other than him, he thinks everyone is fool and dumb. 

Saanvi, leave that Ass-of-the-jerk for now because he doesn’t deserve your attention. Hell? Why am I thinking about him while following his friend? He is not that fucking important to get my attention. I never in my life cursed someone so much, that I am cursing my jerk-of-a-husband in this one month. 

“Yes Dr. Khurana” He is talking with someone on call. Should I intrude in between or should I wait for some minute so that he could get done with whoever he is talking to? 

“Any updates?” he asked someone. Dr. Khurana? Why is he talking with some Dr? 

“I want him alive. Make it happen” He sounds dangerous to me. I can’t see his face but I could sense that something is going on. 

Whom he wants alive? Why is my heart racing? 

No one is up here and no lights are available on the terrace. It’s a good thing that he can’t see my face otherwise he would have killed me for listening to someone's conversation which I don’t understand a bit. 

“Vikram will handle it. You do your work” I can see the flash on his face as he is looking at his phone. Oh so he disconnected the call. 

Wait! What will Vikram handle? Why is he involved? And with what case he has involved himself? Is it dangerous? 

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