Chapter 43

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“Karan, the phone got switched off. Did Sid trace her? Where is she?” I questioned him because after she got a slap from the kidnapper her phone went silent. I dialed the exact number again but it’s off.

“Vikram, there is a railway route near the city center. Let’s go” He said and we both sat inside of the car. Luckily we are close to the city center. 2 days and 1 night, I didn’t see her, didn’t fight with her, and didn’t hear her voice.

When I tied the knot with her, I took some vows to not strengthen this relationship but from the time she went missing, it felt like my soul was missing. Saanvi is like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle that is not being solved.

Saanvi; herself is a mystery. I just want her in my arms. I hope she will be fine. Ganpati Bappa, I don’t know if you are here or not because I never considered you or any other god but Saanvi considered you the most. Please be with her. Take care of her until I find her.

“Vikram, there is traffic. It will take ti-" Before he said anything, I came out of the car and started to run. I don’t have time to wait anymore. I am near her. I am so close to her now. I won’t take any trouble now.

I won’t let her do anything now. I lost her once, I won’t lose her a second time. My hands are itching to get a hold of that kidnapper’s neckband. I swear, he is not going to get a painless demise.

I came in front of the car.

“Sorry-sorry,” I said and started to run. There it is. The railway track. Saanvi said it is near the track. I look left and right but there are huts. Where could she be? Where did that kidnapper hide her?

I look at my front and there is an abandoned storehouse. Is she there?

There are so many other houses as well and I don't know where she could be. I think I should start finding her in this abandoned area. I crossed the railway track and stood in front of the storehouse/warehouse. (I don't know what to say)

Thump. Thump. Thump.

My heart is beating wild. She is here. Saanvi is here. I can feel it. I can sense it. I look at the old warehouse carefully but there is no window and it is fully packed. But there is a single hole at the back of the room. I try to see inside of it but it's too small, making me see everything. Instead of seeing anything, I put my ears on, making me hear the kidnapper's voice.

Someone is sobbing inside. Saanvi.
I went inside the warehouse without any hesitation, not before sending a message to our boys' group and sending them the warehouse picture as well. So that they could get to know where to go.

“Saanvi, I am coming. Don’t be scared.” I enter inside of it only to be welcomed by spiders, dust and so many appliances with inks. There is a big space here. It’s an abandoned place. The whole warehouse looks treacherous. It looks like this place caught on fire years ago.

I look at 2 rooms which are closed. One looks like an office and the other ….I unlocked the room with a thud and my breath hitches. What I saw in front of me, took my breath away. God snatched the floor beneath me.

“SAANVI” I screamed. She was lifeless and stripped. My eyes fell on the man who was behind her in this state. Raunak. I was right. I was fucking correct.

“RAUNAKKKKK” I screamed and whacked him so strongly that his head hit the wall and fell on the floor.

“Saanvi, Saanvi” I shook her but she was not opening her eyes. I take off my shirt and cover her body. I hugged her tight. I can’t tell anyone what I am feeling at this moment. Seeing someone trying to rape my wife. The condition itself trembled my spirit.

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