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After lunch, I came back inside of my room just to lie on the bed. I start thinking about what he said at dining table.

His looks are the only thing which is good other than that there is nothing in him.

He has a girlfriend and still tries to come closer to me. Such a pervert he is.

Why am I thinking about this in my free time? I should think about my work which I will be doing after going back to Mumbai.

I should think about Amara and her future with Sameer.

I should think about the building which I want to build in future, which is another goal to fulfill.

I can think about my nani's health since her health is not good.

I have so many things to do and I have so much to think about. Then why the hell this frog coming inside of my intelligent brain?

I close my eyes so that I could get a peaceful sleep for a while. I haven't slept since I came back after travelling.

I should sleep for some time.

I lay down on bed and about to zone out when my phone rang and I saw the number. Doctor couldn't take a day off.

It's from the hospital.

"Hello?" I said as soon as I picked up the call there was a crying noise coming from other side.

"He-hello madam, madam I....." A lady speaks, she is crying over the phone.

I sit on the bed so that I can talk with her properly

"Who's this?" I asked as she replied

"Madam, I am Sambhavi. I am having a labor pain too much but no one is admitting me. Ahhhhhhh!" She said and winced in pain.

Why the hell no one is admitting her?

"Is there some nurse? Pass them the phone" I said to her softly

"Hello?" Nurse said and I jumped over her

"What the hell is wrong with you all? Someone is having a labor and you are not admitting her. What is this behavior?" I shouted on her. My anger is speaking today.

I can't afford someone losing her life just because of carelessness. My job is my prayer and patients are my family. If someone dares to do something bad with my family then I won't leave that person easily.

If something happened to this lady then I will make sure to make each one of them pay for their deeds.

I might look innocent and sweet but if someone messes with me then he or she won't be able to see the next sunrise.

If I can be cute then I could be dangerous too.

"Who's this?" She said not even affecting a little.

How's she even talk so freely? Who the hell is she? I never heard her voice

"Are you new here?" I asked as I have not much of time to deal with her.

"Yes, So? Who are you to even questioning me?"

"I am senior doctor of gynecologist department and if I want I can fire you right now" I gritted my teeth as I am controlling my anger.


"Yes, why the hell are you not admitting her? Is there anyone around you?" I asked as she must be get scared by now.

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