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Who would have thought one day I will get to be known as the murderer, will play a victim card, will take sessions from a psychiatrist and become a ‘bechari’ in front of the world. I still am not a murderer but I am calling myself one because now I am about to kill someone. 

In these months, I never smile for once. My post is designated to some other Gynec. The Dean who always got happy whenever I gave my 100% and now the same dean announced me as a mental health patient and permitted my leaves on that medical condition basis. 

To be exact; he fired me after declaring me mentally unfit. That broke my heart. 

Vikram thinks that I don’t know any single thing about it but truth to be told then, I know every single thing about what happened or happening in my life. I went numb when I heard about the news. That was the same day when I thought to talk with my Psychiatrist and talk about how I feel. I decided that I want a heart-to-heart conversation with someone but after I heard about the news, I dropped my idea. At that time I felt like a failure. A loser!

A big fucking looser!

My in-laws think that if they pay me attention then I will get better. To be honest, I really liked their attention. They all are sweet to me. Cared for me. Loved me. Gave me their attention and in return I never paid attention to them. Rahul bhyia and Bhabhi delivered a healthy baby girl. By god’s grace Bhabhi’s health was good. I always wanted to welcome a baby girl but to my luck, I never even got a chance to see her. 

I saw her pics on Vikram’s phone; she was so tiny when she came into this world. I always wanted to hold her in my arms, kiss her forehead and shower my love for her but I wasn't able to do any of these things. Bhabhi and Bhai went to London as Rahul bhyia handled the office there. He doesn’t want to leave his wife or his daughter so he took them along with him. 

If I think about Vikram, he supported me so much that I wasn't able to express my emotions in words. He did his best. He handled my anger, my mood swings, he attended my sessions, my family, his family, his office and most importantly; he handled me. I don’t know how he did that but he did. I don’t know what is going on in his life but he was there for me whenever I needed him. 

How he motivated me just now makes me feel overwhelmed. I can’t express my feelings in a few words because he deserves more than just a few words. 

He thought that I was a tigress. That’s so sweet of him but I was not able to be like a little tigress or a fiery girl but after listening to this monster, I feel like I can’t be scared from this little shit. I wanted to destroy him, torture him every single second. 

He killed her; he destroyed someone’s life who wanted nothing but love. She wanted love, support from her husband, sweet talks that’s it but what he did? He chopped her body like a vegetable and made her body eat those lions. He not just killed her, but also killed her baby. I don’t know if she knew that her husband slash monster husband and his friend was raping her or not but I do hope that wherever she is, she sees this and smiles by thinking that someone is here to take revenge from her and her baby’s side. 

Baby was innocent. She was innocent. I was innocent. 

I thought, "Why me? I complained to Ganpati Bappa why he chose me to be his victim? Why did I get kidnapped? Why I suffered so much and just because of this, in these few months, I’ve never seen Ganpati ji face. I was so angry that I stopped wearing the Ganesh ji. 

Today I am wearing it because Vikram wanted me to wear it. He said I will need him there. At that time I didn’t know where we were going and why I needed him but right now, I know why he made me wear this pendant. 

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