Chapter 13- Judgement Of The Jealous

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Harry's pov:
When I walk into school, I'm immediately greeted by Lewis, who slaps my ass, making me yelp. "Hey, Hazza!" He says cheerfully.

I roll my eyes, but can't help the small that forms on my lips. "Hi, Lewis." I grin. I suddenly notice a girl with dark hair standing next to us silently, seeming to be very shy. I've seen her around the school before, but she's always been alone and I've never tried talking to her.

Lewis sees me looking at the girl questioningly, so he explains, "That's Kendall Jenner. We ran into each other this morning. Literally. I wasn't looking where I was going and we collided. She has no friends so she's our friend now." Lewis decides.

Kendall puts out her hand for me to shake, and I do so politely. "My name's Harry." I say as we shake our hands, and she nods awkwardly as we retract our hands.

I feel someone staring in my direction, so I turn to see who. I cock my head to the side slightly in confusion as I see Louis glancing between Kendall and I with narrowed eyes.

"What's his problem?" Lewis asks, having also noticed Louis' odd behaviour.

I shrug, before starting to continue our earlier conversation, choosing to ignore Louis. He probably is just confused or surprised because he's only ever seen me hang out with Zayn, and isn't used to seeing me with other people.

Kendall and I compare our schedules, and are both delighted to see that we are in mostly the same classes.

When the bell rings, Lewis hurries off, having to quickly get to his classroom, which is all the way on the other side of the school. Because of that, Kendall and I are now left alone.

We walk towards our Spanish classroom with a painful lack of things to converse about, until Kendall finally decides to break the silence.

"Um, so, Harry?" She says.


"I heard this horrible rumour about you, and it's not that I believe it or anything, but I was just wondering if it is true." Kendall starts, and I nod encouragingly, telling her to continue, "Did you really make out with a teacher?" She asks, making me let out a frustrated sigh of disbelief.

"No, of course not!" I respond instantly, feeling absolutely horrible that lying like this has become so natural for me.

Kendall breathes a sigh of relief, placing a hand over her heart. "Okay, good. I overheard Amy talking about it, and I know that she can be a lying bitch, but I just wanted to make sure." She explains, and I force out a fake laugh.

Amy is a lying bitch, but what does that make me? I keep lying about Louis and I continuously, and the more I lie, the more it brings me down. Honesty has always been extremely important to me, and now I'm doing the exact opposite.

Kendall and I arrive at the classroom, and choose to sit next to each other instead of sitting on our own like usual. We spend the whole period just chatting, laughing and messing around, getting in trouble more often than I'd like to admit. The two of us just get along so well; we both have similar opinions on topics and similar interests, causing us to get along like we've known each other for years.

We then spend our lunch break together, along with Lewis. This is our arrangement for the rest of the week, and will probably be the arrangement for the rest of the school year.

By Friday, I start to notice Kendall looking at me for periods of time that are a smidge too long to be passed as normal, and laughing over dramatically at the terrible jokes I crack.

Lewis pulls me aside after the lunch break. "What's up?" I question, bouncing on my toes impatiently. I have Louis' class next, and I really want to see him already, I really don't want to wait any longer.

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