Chapter 6- Knock knock motherfuckers, depression's at the door!

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A/N: sorry it's been so long. I've been busy with school and personal shit, so.

T/W: mentions of self harm

Louis' pov:
I clean the wounds, hissing quietly at the sting. Seven years. Seven whole years I was clean, and just like that, all my progress in bettering my self worth, destroyed.

I sigh. Niall's gonna be so disappointed. I promised him I'd stop cutting. I didn't even try to stop myself. I just did it.

After finishing cleaning my cuts, I exit the bathroom, walking back into the guest bedroom. I pull on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, covering up my fresh scars. I check my phone, rolling my eyes at the several unread texts and missed calls from Eleanor. What a bitch.

I walk downstairs, and slump down on to the couch next to Niall.

"Ya alright, mate?" Niall asks as he notices my odd change in demeanor. I shake my head in response. Niall raises an eyebrow at me, clearly knowing that something is up, but thankfully, he chooses not to comment on it anymore, probably just chalking it off to me being sad about Eleanor. "I ordered pizza while you were in the shower, by the way. Pepperoni." Niall informs me, "Wanna watch that new horror movie?" He adds.

"Yeah," I smile, "Let's do that."


I wake with a start to the sound of my alarm clock. I run my hands down my face and groan in annoyance. I don't wanna work today. I don't know if I can even find the energy to get out of bed today.

My entire life has been destroyed in the space of a week, maybe 2. Eleanor cheated. She just completely invalidated my feelings. Although I am not in love with her anymore, it still hurts that she fucked around with another man. In our bed. A chill runs down my spine at those thoughts. Disgusting bitch.

Everything has changed, all because Harry stumbled into my life. Stupid Harry. With his stupid dorky smile and stupid pretty green eyes and stupid fucking dimples.

I slam my hand down on my phone, stopping my alarm. I am sick to death of hearing the loud sound blaring in my ears.

When I eventually find it in me to get up, I am running almost an hour behind schedule, and school starts in 15 minutes.

I hurriedly slip into the first polo and pants that I find in my bag, and slap my hand on to my head when I realise I forgot my work shoes. Fucking idiot! I murmur curse words under my breath as I frantically run downstairs, searching for my vans. I eventually find them under the table, where I must have carelessly chucked them last night. Oh well. They're better than nothing.

I hear the pattern of feet behind me, making me turn around. Niall sluggishly walks downstairs, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Mate," He grumbles, "It's seven in the fucking morning. What the fuck are you doing, you stupid cunt?"

"I'm running late, you wanker. May I remind you that not all of us have flexible work hours." I say, fumbling with my shoe laces.

Niall snorts. "Okay? Again, it's seven in the fucking morning. Keep it down shitface." He replies, as he walks into the kitchen and starts looking through the fridge.

I climb into my car, shoving the key into the ignition. I speed to school, counting my prayers that I wasn't pulled over for going well over the speed limit. I don't need to be running any later than I already am.

I pull into my usual parking spot, and am about to climb out, when I catch sight of my arms. Shit! How did I forget about the cuts? Louis, you fucking dumbass!

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