Chapter 9- Shit Happens

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This is a short chapter sorry.

Louis' pov:
"What is wrong with you?!" Niall yells as he bursts back into my room, Harry having left, "Fucking with your student! Are you insane?"

I stare up at the ceiling in silence, trapped in some kind of daze. I slept with Harry. I slept with another man. No, not a man. A boy. I slept with my 17 year old male underage student. I committed a crime and a sin. Niall's right. What is wrong with me? Am I insane?

But this isn't the only thing I have stuck inside my mind. Harry kissed my forehead. Why did he kiss me? Does he like me? I mentally slap myself. No, no, no. No way he could ever see me in that way. But then why did he kiss me?

"Mate!" Niall says, clapping his hands in front of my face, immediately pulling me out of my daze, my head snapping in his direction. "What are you gonna do?" He asks.

"I'm probably just gonna pretend it never happened and pray that he does the same." I answer.

Niall face palms in disappointment. "Lad," He starts, after removing his hand from his face, now beginning to pace back and forth in front of my bed, "This is serious. You could end up in jail! If you do, what then? Your life would be ruined. You wouldn't be able to bounce back from that. You won't be able to teach anymore. And I don't think anyone anywhere would want to hire you after that. You'll be seen as a pervert; I told you to wait for a fucking reason, dumbass!" Niall rants.

I laugh dryly, making Niall turn to face me long enough to shoot me with a poisonous glare. "Well, if I'm arrested, I'm arrested. I don't have much left to lose. I lost mum and dad because of my sexuality, I lost my siblings because of my parents, I lost my girlfriend because she cheated, I lost my chance of getting into heaven because of my sinful actions and thoughts. I don't really care that much anymore. The only reason I haven't ended it all yet is because of you." I say simply.

Niall blinks at me for a few seconds in shock, before his blue eyes start to fill with tears and his lips begin to quiver.

"I love you so much, mate." He whispers, before jumping on top of me, wrapping his arms around my torso, tightly hugging me.

"Sorry to cut this moment short, but I'm still naked under this sheet, lad." I say suddenly, making Niall release a wobbly laugh, still crying slightly as he pulls away, climbing off of me. I smile comfortingly at him.

"I'll let you get changed. You still have to go into work today, remember?" He reminds me, as he wipes away his stray tears. I groan loudly at that .

"Yup, I know, Niall."


I sip my coffee peacefully, minding my own business in my classroom as I wait for students to turn up for homeroom. Despite all the shit that's been going on in my life, I'm surprisingly calm. Maybe it's my coffee. Maybe it's Niall's acceptance. Maybe it's the fact that I finally got laid. Or, maybe it's the fact that Harry is now walking into my classroom, immediately making me feel at ease, although there are still butterflies flapping around in my stomach at the beautiful sight of him. Why does that always happen when he's around?

We make eye contact, and he smiles at me sweetly, causing his contagious smile to rub off on me, the corners of my lips sticking up, a slight grin on my face.

He looks away at the sound of his name, and his sweet smile broadens at the sight of his best mate. He waves enthusiastically at Zayn, and scurries into the empty seat next to him.

Zayn says something that causes Harry to release a laugh, quickly covering his mouth at the realisation of how loud his laugh actually was. I shoot the Asian boy a glare, feeling jealous. I want to be the one to make Harry laugh like that. I want to be the one in Zayn's place, getting to see Harry almost every day.

I hurriedly snap myself out of it, scanning the classroom nervously, before sighing in relief at the realisation that no one's seemed to notice the look the I gave Zayn. God, what is wrong with me? Why am I feeling...jealous?

I shudder at the thought. Jealous? No, no, I can't be. I have no feelings for Harry whatsoever. None. I just think he's sexy, that's all.

Harry notices me looking at him, and shyly waves, making me purse my lips, holding back a wolfish grin. He's so cute!

I suddenly become very aware at the sight of some of my grade 9 students, Kendall and Lana, giving Harry and I weird looks. Kendall leans over to whisper something in her friend's ear, which causes Lana to flick her eyes over  to me, then Harry, then over to Kendall. Lana smirks at her and wiggles her thick eyebrows, nodding in agreement to whatever the girl said. I raise an eyebrow at the strange interaction. What's up with them?

The bell rings, and as Harry walks past, he places a neatly folded piece of notebook paper on my desk. I frown in confusion, and pick up the paper. My name is scrawled neatly on the front, and my heart rate rises worryingly high at the sight of the little heart next to it.

After making sure that no one is watching, I unfold the paper.

Meet me at our bench after school.

'Our bench'. Does he mean the bench that I came out to him on? Yeah, he must mean that bench. Oh, god, what does he want to talk about? Shit, I'm already so nervous, and it's happening in 5 hours time!

The day goes by antagonizingly slow as I impatiently await the end of the day, where I will finally be able to talk to Harry about what happened.

What is he going to say? Is he going to report me? No, he wouldn't do that. Would he?

I subtly stare up at the clock, shaking my leg violently as I anxiously watch the hands tick closer and closer to 3 o'clock. The clock hits three, and I'm instantly out of my seat, ushering my students out of the room.

"Alright, pack your shit, don't forget to practise for your performances tomorrow, if you have any questions, just email me, I'm in a hurry." I ramble, grabbing my work bag and pushing the many pens and pencils strewn across the table into my bag.

I wait for around 15 minutes for the last of the students to scram, before I finally leave my classroom. I walk through the eerily silent halls, feeling intimidated by the lack of people filling the big halls.

I walk out of the school building, and my eyes instantly fall on the boy sitting on the bench. Harry. I approach him with caution, not knowing how to act around him after the incidents from last night and this morning. I slowly lower myself on to the bench, making Harry's head snap in my direction as he finally feels my presence.

"Hi." Harry says simply.


We stare at each other, drinking in every last detail of each other's faces, doing anything and everything in our power to ignore the elephant in the room.

"About last night..." I finally begin, after working up the courage to speak to the boy, but am almost instantly interrupted by Harry.

"I liked it." He admits, "And I think I like you."

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