Chapter 16- Never Go Out Of STYLES

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Harry's pov:
When I arrive at school the following Monday, I'm practically glowing with happiness. That night was absolutely amazing, if you ignore the Zayn part, and has practically been all that I have been able to think about.

"Hey, Haz." Lewis says, as he approaches me, "How are you feeling? Are you doing okay?" He asks gently, making me smile.

"Yeah, I'm doing a lot better since the incident with Zayn happened. I should have listened to you about ignoring him." I mutter regretfully. All of that bs never would have happened to me if I had just listened to my mate in the first place. This just proved that I need to start listening to Lewis.

Lewis shakes his head at my words. "No, don't shift the blame on yourself!  It was all his fault, not yours." He replies, making me grin.

"Thanks, Lewis. You're a great friend." I mumble as I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

"Faggots!" Someone yells, directed towards us.

I roll my eyes as Lewis and I pull away from the hug, fully prepared to turn around and leave, just ignoring it, but Lewis seems to have other ideas. "Fuck you, you fucking cum rag!" He snaps back at the rude person, not taking their shit.

I can't help but admire Lewis for that. He doesn't let anyone mess with him or his friends; he's not afraid to stick up for himself.

"Thanks for standing up for me like that, Lewis." I smile, as we begin walking towards our class.

"No problem! They're the ones being dickheads." He answers simply.

Someone grabs my arm, making me jump. "Oh, what the fuck are you doing here?" Lewis growls at the person. I turn to look at who grabbed me, and yelp, quickly pulling my arm out of his grip.

"Zayn?" I murmur, shocked at his sudden appearance.

"Harry!" He cries, "God, I am so sorry about last night. I don't know why I did that." Zayn says, staring me in the eyes as he speaks.

Lewis pushes himself between Zayn and I, opening his mouth to argue, but I beat him to it.

"NO!" I snap, startling both Lewis and Zayn, and they quickly redirect their eyes on to me, "I'm done with you, Zayn. I'm so sick of giving you second chances. And guess what? You've really fucked things up big time! How could you do that to me?"

Zayn glares at me. "I was drunk!" He tries to justify, but I put a hand up, silencing him.

"I am not forgiving you. You messed up! You lost your final chance! I don't care how drunk you are, it doesn't give you the right to force anything on to anyone. Including me. I can't look at you the same way anymore. All I see is the guy who jumped on me and kissed me, even after I told him that I'm seeing someone." I whisper-yell, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention.

"Harry, please-" Zayn starts, just to be cut off by Lewis slapping him across the face.

"Just leave him alone! Fucking bastard." Lewis sneers.

"No!" Zayn booms, causing students to turn and stare at us in surprise, confused as to what all the commotion is about, "I'm not going to leave him alone. I want you, Harry. You're gorgeous, funny, sweet, kind, and I'm not going to stop until I make you mine."

"Okay, what in the actual shit is going on here?" A voice suddenly snaps. We turn, now face to face with none other than Louis Tomlinson. He stands right in front of Zayn, arms crossed over his chest with a brow raised. I can't help but giggle silently to myself at Louis' obvious jealousy.

Zayn gulps. "Erm, nothing. Sorry Mr Tomlinson. I was just leaving." He says hurriedly, a nervous chuckle following his words. Zayn then bolts away without another word, not sparing any of us another glance.

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