Chapter 15- Sinners Play As Saints

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Harry's pov:
I wake up in an unfamiliar place, to the sound of quiet snores. I curse to myself as the sun shines brightly through the crack in the curtains, and attempt to move away, only to be held back by a pair of arms around my waist.

I smile slightly as the memories from last night come rushing back to me, and turn around in Louis' arms, to face the sleeping man.

A giggle escapes my lips as Louis stirs in his sleep, pulling me impossibly closer to his chest and burying his face in my shoulder. I rest my arms comfortably around his neck, my smile widening as I watch him sleep.

Louis begins to stir once more, slowly opening his eyes, letting out a yawn. He blinks at me a couple of times, before a smirk spreads over his face. "Were you watching me sleep?" He asks, making me go bright pink in the face. Shit. He wasn't supposed to see that.

"Whaaaaat?" I ask, pretending to be surprised, "Of course not! You are crazy!" I exclaim, with an awkward laugh, making him hiss.

"Shush, Harry. My head." He grumbles.

"Oops. Sorry." I say, lowering my voice down to nothing but a hushed whisper. Louis grimaces slightly.

"Harry? Can you do me a favour, love?" He asks. My face goes bright red at the pet name and the sound of his raspy morning voice. I nod in response. "Can you grab the headache meds from the bathroom cabinets?" Louis says, his eyes closing on their own in a mix of tiredness and pain.

I obediently rise from the bed, stretching my arms over my head before walking into the en suite bathroom.

I search through the cabinets, until I finally lay eyes on the bottle of pills. I grab them, and walk back into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Thank you," Louis grumbles, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he sits up. He takes the bottle, pouring two pills into his hands, and quickly taking them, swallowing them with a cringe at the horrible taste.

"How drunk was I last night?" He yawns, as he slowly drags himself out of bed.

I let out a loud laugh at that, but quickly cover my mouth in embarrassment. Whoops.  "Shitfaced." I giggle, but then a frown slowly spreads over my face.

"What? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"Lou," I start gently, and Louis' frown broadens at my tone and my face. He can clearly tell that something is up. "I don't know if they remember this or not, but you accidentally outted yourself to your friends in your drunk state." I say. My heart aches as his face crumples up devestatingly.

"I did? H-how did that even happen?" Louis asks, stress spread over all of his beautiful features.

I sigh, rubbing my hands over my face tiredly. "I arrived to pick you up after you called me, telling me about how your friends were trying to get to to hookup with some rando. You basically jumped on me, and then practically yelled that we can't tell the boys that you're bi. I think they all heard." I explain.

"Oh." Louis mumbles, looking down. He continues to stare down at the floor, looking anywhere other than me. "Do you..." He says, finally looking up at me, "Do you think that they hate me now?"

My frown deepens and brows furrow. "I don't really know, bub. I don't know them, so I have no idea how they'll react."

Louis' face suddenly lights up, making me gasp at his sudden change in mood. "I came out to them. You and Niall were the only ones to know before. And I ran into my best friend from highschool, and came out to her too. I came out to people!" He cries happily, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up, making me yelp, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to steady myself.

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