"Yes but not for long. I have to go check in with Caleb and I'm going to get us something to eat and make sure everything is okay and then I will be back and spend the rest of the evening with you." He smiled down at her, rubbing her arm gently.

There was a knock at the door and Roland let go of her to open it. A woman with red hair and freckles stood on the other side. She curtsied to him and to Penny. "Beta."

"Lillian, this is my mate, Penny. I'd like for you to show her to the bath house and get her some clothes to wear for now. Once the Summit is over, she will be fitted for a new wardrobe. Look after her and keep her safe during this time. We just arrived here but she doesn't know where anything is yet." Roland wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be back in a bit."

Penny nodded and watched him go. Every time he kissed her, it was like the tingles exploded from that one spot. She couldn't imagine how it would feel when he finally kissed her on the lips.

She didn't want to be left alone with this woman but she supposed she'd be okay. She warily turned towards the woman and smiled. Roland had said she could trust her.

"Welcome to Regal Eclipse, Miss Penny.
I'm going to take you down to the bath house so you can get cleaned up. How long have you been traveling?" Lillian asked curiously.

Penny frowned. Forever, she thought but at the moment she didn't want to tell this strange woman everything she's been through over the last several weeks. "It took us a week to get here," she said.

"Did you come by horseback?" Lily asked her.

"Yes, I've never spent so much time on a horse in my life." Penny grimaced. She'd be fine with never seeing a horse again.

Lillian looked her over with sympathy. "Well you will enjoy your bath then. Do you have luggage?"

Penny frowned, debating what to tell the woman. "It was lost at sea," she finally settled on.

Lillian's mouth dropped open for a moment, then she snapped it shut. "I think you have quite the story to tell, but I won't pester you to tell it now. You barely know me. Let me go get you something to wear and then I'll come back and get you and we'll go down to the bath house."

Penny nodded thankfully and watched the woman leave. She then looked around the room. She wondered how long Roland had actually been gone and when was the last time he slept in his own bed. There was a table with two chairs and a desk, a large wardrobe and of course the bed which was the biggest one she had ever seen. She smiled to herself. She might actually get lost in that bed

Lillian didn't keep her waiting long and was back a few minutes later with several garments. She showed Penny the closet and hung a few dresses inside for Penny to wear.

Penny stared at them in awe. She'd never had clothes so fine before. This new life was going to take some getting used to.

Lillian led her out of the bedroom. The hall where Roland's room was located only contained three doors and was quiet compared to the rest of the castle. "The only ones who really access this part of the castle are the beta and the gamma. And of course you as the beta female so you don't really have to worry about seeing anyone. You can choose to visit the bath house in your dressing gown if you wish."

She led Penny out the door in the back of the hall and into a small house that was very warm. It was tiled and the ceiling was glass. There were two separate rooms and Lillian explained that one room was for the beta and the beta female while the other was for the gamma and the gamma female. She also learned that Ragnar had no mate and so there was no gamma female at this time.

"So that's what I am? The Beta Female?"

"Yes. Once you and Roland have your mating ceremony and you are inducted into the pack, it'll be official, but you're mated to him, so technically you are already," Lillian explained.

Penny nodded at this new information. She was fairly certain Roland had mentioned a mating ceremony at some point but she'd taken in so much information in the last week, she really couldn't be sure.

She follow Lillian into the room for the beta and was surprised to see a sunken tub with steam rising from it. There were tables with different jars and bottles and a bench. Hooks hung on the wall to hang clothes. The room was covered in beautiful blue and white tile.

"This is where you will come to bathe whenever you wish. We werewolves have a very strong sense of smell much better than a human's and so we bathe pretty much daily," Lillian explained.

Penny's eyes widened at her words. What an odd concept. "And you don't get sick from this?"

"Of course not." Lillian smiled at her

Well she supposed she would have to get used to the idea of bathing frequently. She did not want Roland to think she stunk.

"Come, let's get you bathed. Roland will be back soon with food and I'm sure you'd like to go to bed."

Penny nodded and Lillian helped her undress and get settled into the bath
The moment she sat down on the bench inside the sunken tub, she was in love. The water was very warm and soothed her sore muscles. She smiled to herself. Maybe living here wouldn't be so bad after all

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum