Chapter 46

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Lauren runs over to Abel's Jeep and she grabs his arms. "How was Florida? Was it beautiful?"

"It was amazing," Abel replies as they two leave Jasper and Alice behind. "Bella and I walked on the beach. I caught up with her mom, Renée. I met Renée's husband Phil. I learned some baseball tips from Phil. I'm glad Edward suggested I go with her."


Abel sees Embry and Jacob here. He jogs over to the dirt bike Embry's on. "Hey, idiot," he greets and the two do a bro-shake while Jake waits for Edward and Bella to approach when they arrive. "I'm coming down this weekend if that's okay with Sam."

"I'm sure he won't care, but I'll run it by him," Embry says. "Seth still has a crush on you."

Abel chuckles. "God, he's adorable," he muses.

"Embry!" Jacob calls and Abel looks over to see Bella on his bike. "We're leaving."

"See you this weekend, man," Embry says and he puts the kickstand up.

"Can I trust Jacob with her?" Edward asks Abel.

"Stop being so controlling and trust Bella, Edward, before you lose her," Abel says softly. "She loves you both, yes, but she's in love with you for some reason. Please don't let your control issues mess this up and break her again, okay?"

"I'll do better," Edward replies. "I'm sorry for everything I did, Abel."

"I know," Abel says before he hooks his arm with Lauren. "I forgive you, I just don't trust you." He then walks away, Lauren smiles at Edward mentally as they walk up the cement steps.

"That's a step forward," Alice says as she and Jasper join Edward's side. "Bella will be fine. I've seen her with you after the blank I get with the dogs. Abel was right. You need to ease up your controlling attitude and trust Bella. I've seen the result if you don't." She shows him Bella with someone else (Jacob) with the route of Edward choosing to keep trying to control her. "Just... do better."

"I will," Edward promises.

"Good," Alice coos with a smile and she goes inside with Jasper.

Abel and Alice are looking through decorations in Abel, Emmett, and Lauren's apartment. Soon, it'll just be Emmett and Abel's because Lauren plans on moving on the reservation with the Elders' permission since she's an imprint once she graduates high school.

"Okay." Alice looks at Abel. "We will decorate the house the day before graduation."

Abel nods. "That'll work," he says. "Thanks for including me."

"Of course!" Alice chirps. "So, tell me about how you've been while we were gone! Tell me all about your life."

Abel grows excited and he nods quickly and he starts talking.

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