Chaprer 6

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That evening, Alice and Jasper and the others all go home.

"It's not a good idea," Rosalie says as soon as they join Carlisle and Esme in the dining room.

"It's not like he's my blood-singer, Rose," Emmett says as Carlisle looks between his pseudo children curiously. "He's my mate, you know how special mates are."

Rosalie furrows his brows. "Emmett! You can't just people were vampires!"

"Whoa!" Carlisle pipes in when he hears the tone of voice Rosalie is using. Anger. "Let's calm down. Rose..." Carlisle gets her to do some breathing exercise.

"Okay, I'm calm," Rose says. "Sorry, Carlisle."

Carlisle nods. He's not even mad at her. He's very confused. "Now, tell me what's happening, Evan."

"Emmett wants to tell his mate, Abel Swan, about us," Evan says. "Since they're mates."

"He's human," Rosalie says sharply.

Emmett rolls his eyes. "Are you against this because he's human, he's a guy, or because you don't want to lose a potential friend when he finds out?"

"I don't care that your mate's a boy. All the power to you," Rosalie says. "I'm worried because Abel is human. Aren't you? What would happen if he ran scared from you?"

Jasper feels the fear enter Emmett like a tidal wave. "Rosalie," he warns. "Emmett has been alone ever since the beginning. Edward had you until we met Evan. He has Bella now... or he will."

Evan watches as Emmett stares at his hands, suddenly quiet. "Emmett?"

Emmett stands up. "Fine," he says to Rosalie. "Just... fine." He walks upstairs and he sits on his bed.

"And now he's hurt," Jasper says. "He was scared when you said something about Abel running, but now he's hurting. Rosalie, he really wants to be with his mate, but he doesn't want to start out with a massive lie." He walks away then.

Carlisle frowns as he watches as Rosalie stares at the steps. "Perhaps you should have a calm conversation with Emmett. He's feeling hurt right now because he just wants his mate closer to him. Like you would with Evan."

"Yeah, but Evan was a vampire before I was," Rosalie says. "He was already immortal when we met. Abel's human, Carlisle."

"And he is Emmett's mate," Carlisle says. "Think about it. That's all I'm saying."

Rosalie sighs. "I think about it."

Bella and Abel enter the house after school. Bella is still angry about how Edward was acting earlier at the greenhouse. Abel waves at his uncle when Charlie enters from the kitchen.

"Your mother called, Bells," Charlie says. "... Again."

"Your fault... for telling her about the accident," Bella remarks.m

"She always did know how to worry," Charlie claims in remembrance, a hint of sadness in his voice. "But... she's changed, too. She seems happy. Phil sounds all right."

Phil Dwyer is Bella's stepfather. Renée married him about three and a half years ago. He's a baseball player and travels for work, which is why Bella moved to Forks to live with Charlie. She didn't want to hold her mother back.

"He is," Bella says and she goes upstairs.

"Your dad's been trying to call," Charlie says. "I can put a ban to where he can't..."

"Please," Abel says. "I don't want to her from him, or about him... He killed my mom. Jason is a monster."

"I understand, and I agree," Charlie says. "I'll ban his calls."

"I'm gonna go upstairs."

Abel goes upstairs and he lays on his bed and he stares at the ceiling.

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