Chapter 22

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October -

"I love the Fall," Abel says to Lauren as they hang out on the beach on the reservation in the middle of October.

"You're a weirdo who loves the cold," Lauren says. "In people and weather. I personally prefer the heat, but you do you, Queen."

Abel chuckles and he sees a couple walking along the ocean. A man with tan skin and a tribal type tattoo on his arm and some cutoff shorts. His hair's chopped off. The woman beside him is absolutely gorgeous with long black hair that looks like silk, her skin is a russet tan like the guy's. She has a dark claw mark on her face that looks about a month or so old.

"There's a cute couple," Abel says. "He's hot as hell."

"They both are," Lauren murmurs. "Wanna go say hi?"

"I'm not suggesting an orgy, Lauren," Abel says.

"Nooo, I wanna make friends from the reservation no isn't that Jacob guy Bella saw that day," Lauren says. "Now come on," she yanks Abel up and drags him with her, catching him surprise,giving her the ability to get the upper hand.

The couple stops walking when Lauren pulls Abel in front of them. The guy pretends he didn't hear their entire conversation, keeping a phony confused face to hide the amusement.

"Hi," Lauren greets, brushing her blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm Lauren, and this is my best friend, Abel. We live in Forks, and we wanted some new familiar friendly faces on the reservation."

"Hey," The female greets. "I'm Emily Young. This is my boyfriend, Sam Uley."

"Abel, stop checking him out and say hi," Lauren scolds gently and Emily smiles.

"Hey," Abel greets them both. "Sorry for checking him out, Emily, but your man's hot."

Emily hums. "I agree," she says simply with a grin that makes her mark hurt but she doesn't even flinch.

"Did you get too close to a bear cub with the mama close?"

Emily touches her face and hums. "Yeah," she says. "I'll be as protective as a mother bear if I ever decide to have children."

"Yeah, me too," Abel agrees. He sighs and he checks his phone. "It was nice meeting you, but we have to go." He looks at Lauren. "Your mother said your youngest sibling's sick. Needs your help."

"Oh, crap," Lauren groans. "Bye!"

"See you guys around," Abel says.

"Wait!" Emily calls out before Abel can get too far. "Could I maybe get your number? So we can stay in touch?"

Abel nods. Emily hands the human her phone. She knows it'll be nice to have another human as a friend. Abel saves his number into Emily's phone and passes her his. Emily enters her number and passes the phone back. Abel runs to catch up with Lauren.

"It'll be nice to have another human around," Emily says to Sam.

Sam nods. "He was dating one of the vamps who left," he says.

"Who cares?" Emily asks. "He's human, I need more of my kind around. You, Paul, and Jared are all wolves. Inhuman."

"I get it, Em, I'm not mad... I understand and agree," Sam says. "Let's go warm the guys, yeah?"

Emily nods and they go to her Jeep.

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