Chapter 15

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(Imagine the TVD Gilbert house as the Swan house, please)
(TW: mentions of sexual assault)

While Jasper and Alice drive Bella out of town, Rosalie and Esme are in Forks keeping Charlie and Abel safe. Abel is sat on his roof outside his window and above the porch beside Rosalie.

"Is it really the sex that masked my scent?" Abel asks her curiously.

"Yeah," Rosalie replies. "I didn't know how that went with human mates. I know that vampire mates share scents once they've... consummated their relationships sexually. It's why those nomads didn't smell you at all. All they smelled when it came to you was Emmett. Bella, on the other hand... Edward is a prude. He's a virgin..."

Abel snorts and quickly cover his mouth as he giggles. Rosalie smiles a little as she glances over at Emmett's mate. She had to give the people who created vampire mates credit: they chose a damn good for Emmett, even if he is a human.

"I'm going to go check the property again," Esme says to Rosalie.

"Be safe and let me know," Rosalie replies and Esme's gone. "Can I ask you something?" she asks the human beside her.

"Of course," Abel replies. He's been wanting to have an actual conversation with Rosalie since they met. He can feel that they'll be close friends.

"Would you ever want to be a vampire?"

"You mean, would I choose to die just to come back to life?" Abel makes a face. "No offense because vampirism is pretty awesome, but no, I'd never do that. I'd like to grow old and die so I can eventually join my mom in Heaven. I want to go about the natural way of life."

Rosalie feels 100x more strongly about Abel than she did. "I never wanted this," she admits. "I was born in Rochester, New York in the early Spring in 1915 to Regina and Carl Hale. I was the firstborn and next came my two younger brothers, Liam and Landon, twins. My parents took pride in my looks because I was always beautiful. When I was a little older, I met Royce King II, he was a rich, handsome man. I was in love and we were engaged to be married."

"One day, I was leaving my friend Vera's place after meeting her son Kirby. Royce was on a street corner with four of his friends, and he called me over. It had been clear that he'd been drinking with his friends. Naturally, I didn't say anything about the booze because he drank daily. This time, it was different..."

Rosalie pauses for a moment to regain her bearings.

"You don't have to tell me," Abel says softly.

"I know that, but I trust you, Abel," Rosalie says. "I want you to know my story."

Abel nods and he stays silent. He will allow Rosalie to tell her story at her own pace.

"It was 1933, I was 18," Rosalie says. "As I said, Royce and his friends had been drinking and it didn't bother me because he drank a lot. Daily. This time was different. Royce was aggressive, much more than ever. He was always so kind and loving until then. He and his friends, they raped me and they beat me, leaving me for dead. Carlisle found me and he turned me. I got my revenge. I saved Royce for last. I didn't even spill blood."

"Good for you," Abel says. "Killing those bastards."

"Yeah," Rosalie whispers. "Best part is my theatrics. I wore my wedding dress when I killed Royce."

Abel snorts and he high-fives her. "I'm proud of you," he says. "I didn't know you then, but damn girl, I wish I could have seen you."

Rosalie smiles at him. "I can now see everyone's point," she says. "I like you. Abel Swan."

Abel leans against Rosalie's shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, too," Esme says from the woods. "I know that it wasn't easy for you to open up to Abel, especially about that. We're clear. Carlisle called. James had went to Phoenix where Bella is now in the hospital. He bit her, but Edward got the venom out before she could turn. Emmett, Evan, Jasper, and Alice are on their way back. Carlisle got doctor privileges in Phoenix to tend to Bella personally."

"Thank you, Esme," Rosalie replies. "Hey, Abel... Emmett, Evan, Jasper, and Alice are on their way back..."

"Hey, guys," Charlie greets and they whirl around. He was told that Rosalie was sleeping over so that he wouldn't question seeing Rose. "I'm headed down to Phoenix. Bella was hurt. Clumsy girl. You wanna come, Abe?"

"I'm good, Uncle Charlie," Abel replies. "Don't forget to call Renée."

Charlie winces. "I knew I forgot something," he mutters. "You two have fun and don't stay up too late."

"Drive safe, Chief Swan," Rosalie says and Charlie leaves. "Let's go inside."

Abel nods and they go in.

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