Chapter 35

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Abel is feeling better within the next few days. Emmett agreed to stay inside while Abel goes to talk to the guys in La Push. Abe is walking out onto the Uley/Young back porch after cooking lunch with Emily and he sees wolves. Giant, grizzly-bear sized wolves. The solid black one tenses when he smells vampire but relaxes when he sees Abel, remembering seeing Emmett yesterday to go over the treaty now that he's back.

The wolf beside him rolls it's eyes and disappears into the bushes before Jared comes out in just some cutoff shorts.

"Hey, Abel," Jared greets as he struts over. "What're you doing here? I'm not complaining, but...?"

"I felt better and wanted to visit," Abel says. "Emily and I made lunch." He looks at the others.

"Sam's the black one," Jared says. "Then Paul, Embry."

"Holy crap," Abel murmurs. "Of course, werewolves are real, too? Why not? It's not like this world isn't screwed up anyway."

Jared chuckles as the others go to phase back.

"Hey," Lauren greets Emmett later at about seven when she returns home from work. "Lonely?"

"I'm fine," Emmett claims, his eyes glued to the tv, where the Mariners are playing in the first baseball game of the season. "Abe said to make myself at home. I found the baseball game. First mariners game of the season." He looks away from the screen. "How did he do on the anniversary of his mom's death?"

"He was a wreck," Lauren admits as she makes herself a salad. "But he and Charlie and Bella still brought a picnic to the cemetery to converse with Hilarie."

"I wish I was here," Emmett says and he turns back to the tv. "Edward was being selfish when he asked the rest of us to leave. Bella's not his mate. He doesn't understand the pain I felt being that far from Abel for so long."

"From what Abel's told me, Edward sucks," Lauren says and she takes a bite of her salad.

"I can't argue with that," Emmett says and the door opens and Abel enters. "Hey, Abe. Have fun?"

"Yeah," Abel replies excitedly. He pecks Emmett on the lips before he goes straight to Lauren to show her the recipe he got off Emily. He won't tell Lauren about wolves but he'll talk to Emmett about them tonight. Sam told him that the vampires know about wolves so Abel can only discuss wolves with Emmett, no other humans in the un-knowing. "Emily gave me another recipe. Something for a sweet barbecue pulled pork using pineapple juice and brown sugar. I'm excited to try it on my mom's birthday next month. Charlie wants to have a cookout for her birthday."

"Happy early heavenly birthday to your mom," Emmett says to him.

"Thanks, Em," Abel replies. "I'm gonna go shower."

"He and Emily, I swear," Lauren muses. "If he weren't completely gay, I'd say you should be worried."

Emmett smirks. "Oh, I'm not the jealous type," he muses. "Abel can do what he wants. I trust him." He hears the shower water turns on. "I'm gonna go join him."

Emmett shoots Lauren a playful wink before he disappears from the room in vampire speed, making Lauren chuckle in amusement. Her chuckle turns into pure laughter when she hears Abel squeal in surprise when Emmett joins him, more than likely naked. Lauren leaves a note and she goes to spend time with her family at their house.

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