Chapter 13

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Abel is laying across the grass with his friends while Jessica pops a volleyball back and forth with Lauren, the pair practicing. Angela is taking pictures of Jessica and Lauren after snapping a couple of Abel. Eric is studying one of the fliers for the upcoming Prom, which Abel is going to with Emmett.

"Monte Carlo?" Jess speaks. "That's our Prom theme?"

"Gambling, tuxedos, and - " Eric boasts and he does a Sean Connery impression, "Bond, James Bond - Ow!" He yelps when Jessica spikes the volleyball toward him and hits him in the head,

"Oh... my... God," Angela gasps.

Abel sits up at her words and he sees Edward opening the passenger's side of his Volvo for Bella to step out. He watches as everyone stops to watch. This is another reason why he doesn't really feel comfortable with Public Displays of Affection: the stares. His dad's just the main reason.

"Guess they're official now," Abel says.

"What about you and Emmett?" Lauren asks.

"We're together, but I'm not comfortable with PDA," Abel replies. "He respects that."

"Emmett Cullen's into guys?" Eric asks curiously as he looks away from the flier and at Abel.

"He's pansexual," Abel and Lauren say at the same time as Edward and Bella pass them,

"I might see if I can lose my top virginity to him," Abel says and Lauren gasps.

"Queen! You go!"

Abel laughs and he looks across the parking lot and he sees Emmett looking at him, nodding feverishly like a madman. Abel smirks.

"After school?" he whispers and Emmett nods, gulping. "Perfect."

Abel and Lauren head inside once the blue-haired boy's up and they go to their lockers.

"You're a tease," Emmett says to Abel once they're in his bedroom at the Cullen house after school. "Do you really want to top for the first time?"

Abel looks at Emmett which such adoration in his eyes and he nods. "With you, I want it all," he says. "My first top, adopting a baby in the future, all of it."

Emmett smirks. "Wanna do it now? Everyone's gone."

Abel nods. He stands up and he takes off his clothes and Emmett's stunned into stillness as he sees the bruises he left when they did it the first time and he hums, actually appreciating his work because he knows Abel's fine.

"Well? What're you waiting for, babe?" Abel asks once he's done and sees Emmett still fully clothed. "I want you naked, too, or else sex won't really work the way we want it to."

Emmett shakes his head and shakes out his stupor before he gets up to strip off his clothes. They start making out heatedly and soon, Emmett's on the bed, waiting for Abel and he loves every minute of it once he starts.

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