Chapter 32

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"Abel!" Embry does a fist bump with Abel when he comes to Sam's. "I didn't know you hung around here."

"I hang out with Emily and Kim," Abel says. "This is Lauren, my best friend."

"Hey," Lauren greets. "When did you start hanging around here?"

"Three days ago," Embry replies. "I love it."

"I like it here myself," Lauren admits as Abel goes to joke with Jared on the couch. "I like the people most of all."

Embry smirks at Lauren's blatant flirting.

"Don't look to entranced," Jared warns. "She flirts with Paul, too."

"I flirt with everybody who's cute who I know is single," Lauren corrects firmly with a grin on her pretty face. "I'm single, so why not have fun?"

"See? I like this girl," Paul says. "But I like Abel more. He cooks, too. He and Emily even share recipes."

Abel rolls his eyes. "Lauren can cook, she just doesn't like to when someone else can do it instead," he says. "We take turns at home. I'll cook one week, she'll cook the next."

"That's a good idea," Emily says and she gives Sam a sharp look.

Sam rolls his eyes. "Thanks, Abel, now you've given her ideas," he says. His tone is scolding but the grin on his face tells Abel that Sam's teasing.

"Oops." Abel shrugs, not really bothered.

Sam hums and they all hang out more around the cabin.

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