Chapter 14

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Charlie is talking to Abel about his date with Emmett.

"Isn't Emmett a little old for you?"

"No," Abel replies, forcing down an embarrassed blush. "No, he's a senior, I'm a junior. He's not too old. He treats me good, the way I wish Mom had been treated."

Charlie smiles solemnly at the mention of Hilarie. "Yeah. Jason was a monster," he says.

"Yeah," Abel agrees and Bella comes downstairs.

"I have a date with Edward Cullen," Bella blurts out before Charlie can say 'hello' to her, "it's a double-date with Emmett Cullen and Abel."

Charlie looks worse than he did when Abel told him he had a date. "He's too old for you," he blurts. He didn't ask it with Bella because she's his daughter, not his nephew.

"We're both juniors," Bella defends. "I thought you liked the Cullens."

"And I thought you didn't like any boys in town," Charlie says.

"The Cullens don't live in town, Uncle Charlie," Abel says nonchalantly before he takes a bite from his banana and someone knocks. "And our dates are here."

"Right now? They're here now?" Charlie asks, his chocolate brown eyes wide.

"They want to officially meet you," Abel says as he stands to throw his peel away. He goes and he opens the door. "Edwin." He smiles at Emmett. "Em!"

Emmett smiles and he lets Abel drag him inside.

"Come on, Edward," Abel thinks. "Don't sulk. I messed up your name on purpose, idiot."

Edward rolls his eyes and he enters the house. He closes the door behind him and Abel leads him and Emmett into the dining room to find Charlie's cocked shotgun on the dining table.

"Is that a Remington?" Emmett asks when he sees the shotgun.

Charlie looks at the gun and he gives Emmett an impressed look. "You hunt?"

"My birth dad did," Emmett replies. "Was born in Tennessee. He taught me a few things." Which is true. Emmett's dad, Henry McCarty, taught him about shotguns and how to hunt the proper deer. "His favorite was the Winchester."

"That's a good gun," Charlie says and Bella looks shocked at how quick Charlie likes Emmett.

"I'm Emmett," Emmett says and  he shakes Charlie's hand. "This is Edward."

"Hello, Chief Swan," Edward greets and he uses his own gloved hand to shake Charlie's hand. "We won't been Abel and Bella out too late tonight," he says. "We're going to play baseball with our family."

"Now, Abel, I believe," Charlie says and Abel grins. "But Bella's going to play baseball?"

Abel sees the equal surprise on his cousin's face as he nuzzles into Emmett's broad arm. Bella hides it just as quickly as it pops up so that Charlie doesn't notice it.

"Yes, sir, that's the plan," Edward answers.

"Well... more power to you, then, I guess," Charlie mutters.

"They'll be safe with us, sir," Edward says as he looks Charlie in the eyes. "I promise."

Emmett twirls Abel as they leave and the blue-haired boy laughs.

"I need new hair dye," Abel says as they get into the Jeep that Rosalie fixed up for Emmett. He smiled at Emmett's face. "What? Blue hair is my signature look, Em."

"I'll get you some." Emmett leans over and he gives Abel a kiss before Edward and Bella get in. "We set?"

"Let's go," Edward replies.

"... we need an umpire."

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett says with a big, crooked grin as he and Abel walk by Esme, Edward, and Bella.

"I know you cheat," Esme corrects. "Call as you see 'em, Abel and Bella."


Abel stands with Evan at third base while Bella stands with Esme at first. Alice is at the pitcher's mound, using her clairvoyant ability to track the storm so they can start to play.

"It's time!" Alice announces right before a deep rumble of thunder shakes the trees around them.

Abel watches in awe as the game begins. He watches as Rosalie smashes the ball with the aluminum bat they have to use. It cracks just like thunder and it's followed by actual thunder.

"Whoa," Abel mutters. "This is awesome."

"I know, right?" Evan asks in response.

Rosalie runs until Esme catches the ball Edward throws.

"Oh, c'mon, babe, it's just a game!" Evan boasts when Rosalie glares at Bella for telling her she's out instead of Esme doing it herself.

"Nice kitty," Carlisle teases as Rosalie passes him.

The game continues. Carlisle goes, Emmett, Esme, Evan. Edward and Emmett collide and sound like boulders crashing into each other. Jasper hit a ball hard and then...

"Stop!" Alice calls out in shock. "I didn't see them..."

"Don't worry about him," Rosalie says to Emmett. "Ever since you two had sex, all I smell on Abel is you."

Emmett nods as Edward goes straight to Bella's side. Emmett brings Abel with him to the home plate where everyone is gathering.

"They're traveling so quickly," Alice whispers.

"You said they were leaving the county," Rosalie says accusingly.

"They were almost out, but then they heard us," Alice states. Her vision wasn't wrong, the nomadic vampires merely just changed their minds. "My vision wasn't wrong..." She looks at Edward and Emmett, but mainly Edward because Rosalie was right, Abel smells like Emmett now that they've had sex. "They changed their minds."

Edward turns to Bella. "Put your hair down," he instructs.

"Like that'll help," Rosalie scoffs as Emmett rushes off and back quickly and puts his thick parka on Abel, which fits the boy like a dress. "I can smell her from across the field."

"Get behind me and stay out of sight, shortstack," Emmett says. "I'll explain after, okay?"

Abel nods slightly and Emmett pulls him behind him right before three figures leave the trees. The one to the right is black with some long dreads with deep crimson eyes. The one in the middle is a woman with fiery red hair that's in a mess of thick curls, her eyes also a deep, bright crimson red. The one with his arm around her is a white, blonde male with red eyes that still look hungry. All three are dressed in clothes they probably stole from victims and barefoot.

The one on the right holds his hand up, revealing a baseball, the one that Jasper sent soaring through the air and into the woods.

"I believe this belongs to you," the vampire says. His voice holds a French accent, almost ancient, but not quite old-world. The vampire tosses the baseball and Carlisle throws an arm up to catch it.

"Thank you," Carlisle says calmly, hoping to keep the peace, hoping that they didn't sense Bella or Abel. He might smell Emmett on Abel, but with the right breeze... he just hopes that Emmett's scent sticks.

"Could you use three more players?" Dreads asks.

"Of course," Carlisle replies.

"I'm Laurent," Dreads says. "This is Victoria, and James."

Abel can't see them because Emmett is a freaking ogre compared to him, but he can hear voices.

"I'm Carlisle, this is my family," Carlisle says. "Would you like to bat first?"

Laurent picks up the bat and the Cullens take the field and Emmett sends Abel to his Jeep. Abel sits on the hood. He's out of sight and away from any stray breezes, which comforts Emmett to a point while the Cullens take the outfield in a game that leads to danger for Bella.

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