"Can I have ketchup, Mommy?" Drew asked, already having forgotten, or just simply ignoring, any of our previous conversation.

"Sure, baby," I replied, grabbing the ketchup out of the fridge. I still have yet to put a bite of food in my mouth and I'm so hungry. Come to think of it, I don't remember even ordering myself anything for dinner when I was in the drive thru. I was so worried about getting everybody else's food, I forgot to get my own.

"Amy, where's your dinner?" Sam asked, now noticing the fast food bags were all empty as everyone but me was seated at the table stuffing their faces.

God bless him for being so sensitive and in tune with the needs of others. Wish some of that would rub off on his older brother. Even though Sam is busy entertaining his niece and keeping her out of trouble, he still noticed I haven't eaten.

"Oh don't worry about it, Sam. I had a late lunch at work. I'm not really that hungry," I lied, not wanting to make a fuss. "Alex, is your homework done?" I asked, hearing Uncle Bobby impatiently honking his horn in the driveway. I guess he's not gonna bother coming in. Seeing the circus playing out before me around the dining room table, I certainly couldn't blame him. He always was wise beyond his years.

"No," Alex stated flatly, offering no further explanation.

"Why not? Didn't Dean tell you to get it done before dinner because I was going to take you to Uncle Bobby's to help him tonight?"

"I told him," my oh so helpful boyfriend informed me, with a mouthful of cheeseburger.

"Yeah so?" Alex smarted off. "It wasn't my idea to go to Uncle Bobby's tonight so it's not my problem my homework isn't done."

"Alex! He's already here now waiting in the driveway. When do you think you're gonna have time to do it?" I argued, getting annoyed with his attitude and lack of cooperation.

Seeing right through my facade, Sam lifted Katie off his lap and held her on his hip as he kindly offered, "Here, Amy, sit down and eat. I haven't even touched my fries and I really only want half a burger anyway. I'll cut the part off I took a bite out of for you. Let me just grab a knife."

"No, Sam, you don't have to do that. Please sit," I said, sighing heavily as I was close to tears for some reason. It's just been such a hectic day already. I'm exhausted and hungry, plus I'm extremely frustrated with my oldest son.

"Whatever," Alex grumbled. "Later losers," he taunted, grabbing a chicken nugget off his little brother's plate, much to Drew's chagrin, as he sauntered out the door, without a care in the world.

Slumping down in the seat Sam previously occupied with Katie, I took a deep breath and fought back tears. Sam placed the now cut half of his burger in front of me next to his uneaten fries and grabbed me a cold beer from the fridge, all while juggling his niece on his hip.

"Thank you," I whispered, as the tears began to fall.

"Hey, hey," Dean said worriedly as he came to my side, finally now noticing my distress since he was done stuffing his gullet and tending to his own needs. "What's the matter, Baby? Don't cry," he tried to console me.

"I don't know," I lamented, melting into his embrace.

"Mommy! Don't cry!" Drew yelled, starting to tear-up himself. My poor, sensitive, beautiful little guy. God bless him.

"I'm okay, baby. Don't worry," I reassured him, patting his hand before wiping my eyes. "Mommy's just tired and hungry, that's all."

"Hey, if you're done eating, buddy, why don't you and Katie come with me and we'll play some Mario Kart in the basement while your mom and dad talk. Ok?" my amazing, hopefully someday brother-in-law, encouraged our kids as he led them out of the kitchen, giving Dean and I some privacy.

Gently gripping Sam's arm to get his attention before he could get past me, I silently mouthed, "Thank you."

Sam smiled at me.

"Don't mention it," he replied softly.

"You sure you're okay, baby? I hate to see you cry," Dean asked, clearly concerned for my well-being, which warmed my heart. He's not so insensitive afterall. Could still use some work though.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I sighed. "I just had a rough day at work and didn't sleep so great last night and I ended up skipping lunch today cuz we were so busy, so I'm really hungry and like an idiot, I forgot to order myself any food for dinner cuz I was so worried about all of you and now your poor brother had to give up half his meal cuz I'm such a mess and Drew heard me swear and repeated it and Alex never listens to anything anyone tells him and now you're here comforting me and I haven't even asked you about your day and..."

"Hey, it'll all be okay, baby. I've got you, now." Thankfully, my boyfriend cut me off before I could ramble on any longer. Dean wrapped his arms around me and held me securely as I finally relaxed, having unleashed all my burdens on the poor man.

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