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Content Warning: This chapter contains explicit and sensitive material, including scenes of sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Raina walked down the hall, her gaze fixed on the door she had been searching for. Slowly, she approached it and entered without bothering to knock.

Aemond sat in a chair by the fire, his ankle resting on his knee, and a book rested on his lap. His long hair cascaded over his shoulder as his one eye snapped up to meet Raina's gaze.

"Raina," Aemond said, closing his book. "What brings you here? What do you want?" he asked, rising from his seat. His eye remained fixed on her as she took a step closer to him, but she remained silent.

"Entering my room at this hour makes me wonder if you have something specific in mind," he stated, taking another step towards her. "Is your husband not satisfying you?" he asked, pausing in front of her and gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

"I know it was bound to happen," Aemond said, leaning closer to her and gently placing his hand on her neck, drawing her nearer. "I can give you what you desire... all you need to do is say the words." Raina hesitated, torn between her desires. It wasn't that she didn't want him—she did—but the whispers in her mind hinted at something more. It seemed only natural for her to crave all three heads.

"Please," Raina whispered, her gaze meeting his. Aemond wasted no time, pushing her back until she fell onto the bed.

"I've longed for this moment with you, Raina," he confessed, his voice a low rumble of desire, as he deftly maneuvered her dress to her hips. His hands were firm yet careful, a tantalizing contrast to the raw hunger in his eyes.

He pulled his pants down in one swift motion, aligning himself perfectly as he pressed his face into the crook of Raina's neck. The slow, deliberate push that followed drew a sharp intake of breath from her, a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

Raina clung tightly to him, her fingers digging into his back, her breath catching and releasing in rapid succession. As he filled her, her back arched instinctively, matching his rhythm and intensity - a dance as old as time itself. Aemond's deliberate pace was torture and ecstasy, his every movement sending ripples of pleasure through her.

Her breathy moans and the rhythmic slap of flesh on flesh echoed around the room, a symphony of shared desire and impending release. Aemond's lips were hot against her neck, his nips and kisses sending shivers down her spine as he quickened his pace. His thrusts became more forceful, more urgent, driving Raina to gasping breaths and mewls of pleasure.

Without warning, Aemond repositioned them, Raina's hands and knees bearing the brunt of their weight. As he pulled her back onto him, the shift in angle sent a surge of pleasure coursing through her. A cry echoed from her lips as he hit a spot deep inside her, her toes curling in exquisite delight.

Their movements became a synchronized dance of passion, driving them both closer to the precipice of release. Aemond's final thrust was fierce and powerful, his groan filled the room as he reached the pinnacle of satisfaction. Raina was right behind him, her body quaking as waves of pleasure rolled over her.

In the aftermath, they collapsed onto the bed, their bodies gleaming with sweat, their breaths labored and erratic. Raina's mind was a whirlwind of emotions, but one thought stood out; she was irrevocably his in this moment.


Raina had woken up before him and left before sunrise, returning to her chambers unnoticed by anyone. Now, she sat by the window with Aerion sleeping in her arms. "You did well, Raina," the whispers said. "When you return home tomorrow, lie with your husband. Suspicion won't be drawn that way," they advised. Raina rolled her eyes in response.

"So it is done," Raina said, nodding. "Now what?" she asked.

"Now, it's time to sway the people," they replied. Raina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Go to the city and perform good deeds. Gain the support of the people. With your power, you will be unstoppable," they explained. Raina leaned back in her seat, gazing out at the city.

"What kind of good things should I do?" Raina asked, closing her eyes.

"Figure it out. You don't have much time," they replied.

"How long?" Raina inquired, her gaze shifting down to Aerion.

"Fourteen," they said. Raina was once again confused. Fourteen? What did they mean? Fourteen days? Fourteen moons?

"What?" she asked.

"On your next nameday, you will be fourteen, and the war will begin. It will coincide with the germination of the sacred seeds, alongside another loss," they explained. Raina stared, panic rising within her. Was she going to lose another child?

"It's not as it seems, for you do not carry the cursed seed this time," they reassured her. "The one whom you do not consider your true mother will bear it instead."

"Gods," Raina mumbled, finally understanding their meaning.

"For that is not the only loss. Someone dear to you will soon be gone, and then the beast within will be born, alongside one of your own. Then, a call for war will be issued, only for tragedy to strike amidst a storm," they continued. Raina disliked everything she was hearing. She had hoped that the war they spoke of would never come to pass.

"A storm?" Raina asked, her gaze shifting towards the sky.

"A great fall," they replied. Raina pressed her lips together, feeling a sense of unease.

"Is there anything good to look forward to anymore?" Raina asked, more to herself than anyone else.

"Of course, for a treasure will be found that lies deep within your heart. One you thought was gone for good will come back to you," they assured her. Raina let out a huff of disbelief.

"I have lost so much... people who can never be found because they are dead," Raina said, her voice filled with sorrow.

"If they were all dead, you wouldn't hear the whispers. Who is it that you truly wish to hear?" they asked. Raina's mind raced, trying to figure out who she hadn't heard. She heard her aunt, she heard the giggles of her deceased child. There was only one person she had never heard... ever.

"No..." Raina whispered in disbelief. He wouldn't have done that, right? He wouldn't have just abandoned her like that, right?

"Consider it a gift from us to know that your father is alive," they said. "And yes, Rhaenyra and Daemon both know." Raina slowly stood up as everything hit her. They both knew her father was alive—Rhaenyra and Daemon knew—and they didn't tell her? How could she have missed this? She had entrusted them with her secrets, and they didn't reveal this to her!

"Don't act out of anger just yet. Sway the people first, and then seek the truth," they advised.

Raina's eyes hardened as she gazed out the window. They would not go unpunished for their betrayal.

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