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Raina stood, gazing at her young dragons by her side. It amazed her how rapidly they were growing.

"Raina, my sweetheart," her grandfather greeted as he entered the room. She turned to him, a smile spreading across her face. She cherished these visits with him.

"How are they today?" he asked, taking a seat beside her. She nodded, replying, "They're fine. They're growing fast," with a smile of her own.

"Good. They will become quite large," he remarked, and she affirmed his statement.

"They will," she agreed. Her grandfather affectionately brushed her long white hair behind her ear, his smile radiating warmth.

"Are you feeling well today?" she inquired, concern lacing her words. He nodded, assuring her.

"...I came to tell you that the white roses are blooming, my girl," he announced. Raina nodded, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. She then assisted him in getting up and out of the room before standing herself and heading towards the garden, accompanied by a guard.

Raina sat amidst the blooming roses, captivated by their beauty. She adored roses and couldn't help but smile when she noticed a snake gracefully slithering towards her.

"Hello there," she greeted, picking up the snake. She had always had a fondness for these creatures. "Aren't you a beauty?" she remarked, gently patting the serpent.

"Run along now," she said, setting the snake down and patting its back as it slithered away.

"I figured you'd be here," a voice suddenly broke the silence. Raina's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see Aegon, her uncle.

"Uncle," she acknowledged, her gaze meeting his. She took a step back, feeling an unsettling intimidation emanating from him. It pained her to realize how much her uncle now unsettled her.

"Go," he said to the guard, who nodded and walked away, leaving the two alone. "Come here, my dear niece," he said, but she didn't move, just stared at him.

He approached her, and she took steps back until her back hit the wall behind her. He stood inches away, and she could smell the alcohol on his breath.

He bent down, looking into her eyes, running his hand through her hair and down to her cheek, neck, and collarbone before moving slowly over her breast to her waist. He took a firm grip on her hip and pushed her body back, pressing his body against hers and lightly kissing her jaw and ear.

"When I tell you to come to me," he whispered, pulling her hips against his, "you do."

She felt a pull of wetness in her lower parts.

"Uncle," she whispered, feeling his hands fumble over her clothing. Her lower stomach clenched as she closed her thighs tightly.

"Please," she said, attempting to push him away. However, he jerked his hips forward, causing her to let out a huff as he groaned. She pushed him back, feeling disgusted and violated.

Turning quickly, she walked away, back to her room. She despised how weak he made her feel, but she tried to put on a brave face when she was around him.

"Have a maid come and prepare me a bath," she instructed the guard before entering her room. She grabbed a small metal pot and set it on the fire, putting in half a bar of soap to melt. She liked to have bubbles in her bath, and the melted soap provided that.

She changed into a sheer, flowing dress and let her hair down as the maids filled the tub with steaming hot water, just the way she liked it. Walking over to the fire, she carefully poured the liquid from the pot into the tub.

"You may leave," she instructed the maids, and they promptly exited the room. Once they were gone, she began to undo her dress.

"Princess," a voice called out, causing her to turn her head. It was Ali, her maid and friend, entering the room with a smile.

"Get in, I'll wash your hair," Ali offered. Raina glanced at her and nodded appreciatively. She slid her dress down and immersed herself in the soothing hot water, feeling her body relax. Ali pulled up a seat behind her.

Taking a cup, Ali wetted Raina's hair before applying shampoo and gently massaging it into her scalp.

"How are your dragons?" Ali asked, as Raina brought her knees up to her chest, leaning back against Ali's supporting presence.

"Good," Raina replied, as she moved her hair to rinse it. "They are growing fast," she added, glancing back at Ali. Ali was older than her, probably in her late teens or early twenties.

"Ali, have you ever... umm... been with a man?" Raina asked tentatively, causing Ali to raise an eyebrow.

"A couple, yes," Ali answered, nodding. "Why do you ask? Did something happen?" she inquired, concern lacing her voice. Raina shook her head in response.

"I was just thinking... I'm getting older and closer to marrying age," Raina explained. "I don't want to ask the queen, and my mother and I don't have the best relationship... Nobody has told me how to navigate it all, how to do it right," she admitted.

"Pleasing a man is simple, my dear. Most like to be in control. Just let them take the lead, and you will learn over time," Ali advised.

"And if they don't like to be in control?" Raina asked, her gaze drifting downwards.

"I don't think you'll ever be with a man who wouldn't want to control you," Ali replied reassuringly. "You're not just any girl," she added, emphasizing Raina's unique position.

"It is not difficult, my dear. You will learn," Ali reassured her. "The first time can be a bit painful, but don't worry about any of that right now," she advised. Raina nodded, taking in Ali's words before standing up and stepping out of the tub.

Ali was there to help her, drying her off and dressing her. She gently braided Raina's hair back, ensuring it was neat and secure.


~~~~Raina ↓

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The dragon to be  // House of dragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora