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Rhaenyra, Daemen, and Raina sat together, their eyes fixed on Wyrion as he peacefully slept, cradling the blue egg in his tiny hands. Raina couldn't help but smile at the sight of her son, feeling a sense of contentment.

"It's been almost a full year," Rhaenyra remarked, breaking the silence. Raina nodded in agreement and glanced at her friend before gently taking the baby and the egg out of the room, giving them some privacy.

Daemen cleared his throat, feeling a wave of nervousness wash over him. He didn't quite know how to approach the topic but knew it was necessary.

"Rhaenyra," he began, "There are some things we need to discuss, the three of us." Rhaenyra turned her gaze towards Daemen, her expression expectant. Raina remained silent, sensing the gravity of the conversation and deciding it was best to let Damen take the lead.

"What is it?" Rhaenyra asked, her voice steady. Raina continued to observe quietly
Daemen took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.

"Raina is with child," he said. Rhaenyra looked to Raina, then down at her belly, realizing that Raina did indeed appear slightly more rounded. Raina had always been a petite woman, and the revelation struck Rhaenyra with sudden understanding.

"Your child," Rhaenyra said, her gaze fixed on them. "It's Daemen's?" she asked, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and concern. Raina looked down, her hands ran over her face before finally meeting Rhaenyra's gaze.

"Let us explain r-" Daemen started, but she interrupted, not averting her gaze from her daughter.

"Raina," Rhaenyra said, her voice filled with a mix of emotions. Raina clenched her jaw, her eyes focused on Rhaenyra. She felt regret, of course, but in that moment, she couldn't allow herself to be swayed by the opinions of others. Her children were her main priority, and she had come to care deeply for Daemen.

"Yes," Raina finally replied, her eyes locked with Rhaenyra's. She felt a pang of guilt, of course, but in that moment, she couldn't let Rhaenyra's opinion or the judgment of others sway her. Her children were her main priority, and she had developed deep feelings for Damen, despite the unforeseen circumstances.

As Raina absorbed the weight of the situation, a haunting whisper echoed in her mind. "It is akin to when a dragon chooses its Rider, or when a Targaryen chooses its partner. You will remarry, Raina, but it will be to the person you least expect." She never imagined in a million years that she would end up marrying Damen.

Rhaenyra's anger erupted, directed at her pregnant daughter. "You!" she yelled, stepping toward Raina. Raina stood her ground, knowing Rhaenyra wasn't a true threat to her. Still, the force of Rhaenyra's words stung deeply. Daemon swiftly stepped in between them, trying to diffuse the tension.

Rhaenyra's anger continued to escalate, her voice filled with venom. "Useless whore! How could you let things come to this?" she shouted, her fury unleashed.

"Rhaenyra, stop," Daemen interjected firmly, trying to contain the escalating confrontation. Raina's eyes blazed with anger as she processed Rhaenyra's hurtful words. How dare she call her a whore? Raina had been intimate with three people, one of whom was her husband. If anyone deserved that title, it was Rhaenyra herself. The nickname "whore of Dragonstone" had been unfairly bestowed upon her for a reason

"Useless? Where would you be without me?" Raina retorted, her voice laced with bitterness. She took a step forward, her frustration building.

"I find it ironic that you, of all people, have the audacity to call me a whore and deem me useless. Where would you be without me?" Raina continued, her voice growing louder, emphasizing her point. "Look around! You're lucky to have me! You all need me! You need me to save you, because deep down, you know I'm the only one capable of it!"

The dragon to be  // House of dragonsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin