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Raina stood tall in her vibrant red dress, her long hair gracefully billowing in the wind as she gazed out towards the glistening water. With one hand, she clutched her swollen belly, a symbol of the precious life growing inside her. Her dragons soared above, a constant reminder of the power and strength that resided within her.

But in the midst of this picturesque scene, Raina couldn't shake the overwhelming ache in her heart. She yearned for him—Kol, the man she had fallen deeply in love with. He had been sent off to battle, leaving her behind. However, he had made a promise, assuring her that he would return in time for the birth of their child and before her twelfth nameday. The thought of their reunion filled her with hope and anticipation.

"Raina," a gentle voice called out, drawing her attention. It was her grandmother. "There are ravens," she informed, handing Raina a letter. Raina accepted it, recognizing the one from King's Landing, which she knew was her grandfather's request for her to visit. However, the second letter remained a mystery.

Curiosity piqued, Raina carefully unfolded the first letter, and a wave of delight washed over her. It was indeed from her grandfather.

"What is it?" Her grandmother inquired, her eyes fixed on Raina's face, filled with anticipation.

"The king has extended an invitation for me to stay in King's Landing," Raina replied, her voice tinged with hesitation. She knew that if she accepted the invitation, she would have to give birth to her child in the bustling capital. However, that was precisely why she had made up her mind not to go. She intended to visit him only after their child had arrived safely and the news of their child's birth had been sent to him.

"I have decided not to go," Raina affirmed, her determination unwavering. She opened the second letter, her eyes scanning the contents, and suddenly, her heart sank. Her throat tightened, and her breath caught in her chest.

"Raina?" her grandmother called out, her touch gentle as she placed a comforting hand on Raina's back and concern etched on her face. "What's wrong?" Raina wordlessly handed the letter to her grandmother, the weight of the words echoing in her mind as she took a deep breath, fighting back tears.

"Oh gods, Raina," her grandmother exclaimed, her gaze filled with concern as she observed Raina's distress. A slight hiss escaped Raina's lips as a pang of pain shot through her belly. Reacting swiftly, she clutched her abdomen and closed her eyes. "Let's get you inside," her grandmother urged

"Māzigon!" Raina called out, her voice carrying through the air. In response, her dragons swiftly returned, gracefully descending to her side. She walked, her hand firmly gripping her grandmother's arm for support, making her way towards where her grandfather awaited them.

"Did you receive a raven?" he inquired, his eyes searching Raina's face for answers. She nodded, placing her hand on her belly, while her grandmother assisted her in taking a seat.

"The king has requested my presence," Raina responded, her voice laced with weariness, as she settled into the chair and closed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" her grandfather pressed, his gaze fixed on her, noticing her movement and the furrow of her eyebrows, a clear sign of discomfort.

"We received another letter today," her grandmother spoke up, her gaze shifting to her husband. "Kol has passed away," she uttered, the weight of sorrow evident in her words. Her grandfather's eyes shifted to Raina, his own sadness blooming within them.

"Going through this at her current stage cannot be good for her," he voiced his concern, contemplating the situation. "Perhaps we should summon the maester. She is clearly in pain," he suggested, seeking agreement from her grandmother, who promptly called for the maester's presence.

It didn't take long for the elderly man to arrive, his presence calming and assured. "Princess Raina," he greeted her, as if he already knew the purpose of his visit.

"There is pain," Raina expressed, her voice tinged with discomfort. The maester nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, and proceeded to conduct a thorough examination.

"Your belly has noticeably dropped, indicating that your body is preparing for labor," the maester informed Raina, his tone professional yet compassionate. "However, to confirm this, I need to conduct a more detailed examination... down there," he added, glancing back at her grandfather, who rose from his seat and moved to the corner of the room, his back turned to them. With her grandfather's discreet departure, the maester proceeded to carry out the necessary examination, ensuring Raina's comfort and privacy.

"Congratulations, Princess. Based on my assessment, I anticipate that your child will arrive within a matter of days," he shared, a hint of warmth in his voice. However, he swiftly noticed the change in Raina's demeanor and quickly picked up on her emotional distress. "Is there something else troubling you?" he gently inquired, his concern evident.

"We have received tragic news, and much weighs heavily on the young princess's mind," her grandfather interjected, walking back towards them. The maester nodded understandingly, acknowledging the additional burden Raina carried.

"We will closely monitor her condition," he assured, his voice filled with reassurance. "Rest is crucial, Princess. You will need it," he added, offering them a comforting smile before turning to leave the room.

"Raina," her grandmother called out, her gaze filled with compassion as she looked at her.

"I feel like I don't have the strength to go through this on my own," Raina admitted, her voice laden with exhaustion and vulnerability.

"You are not alone," her grandmother reassured her tenderly, her words carrying a sense of unwavering support. Her grandfather leaned in and gently pressed a kiss on the top of Raina's head, offering his silent comfort.

"Come now, Raina. Let's get you some rest," her grandmother urged, guiding her to stand and assisting her as they walked towards her chambers.

As Raina lay alone in her bed, the weight of her emotions became overwhelming, and tears streamed down her face. She vented her frustration, cursing everything—the world, the cruel circumstances, and even the whispers of doubt that haunted her—for not adequately preparing her for this moment.

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