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Raina, burdened by the weight of her recent encounter, departed the following morning alongside her majestic dragons. Overwhelmed with turmoil, she chose to keep the incident to herself, bidding her grandfather farewell with a tender kiss on his cheek before embarking on her solitary journey.

Now, Raina found herself gazing through the window, her mind entangled in a web of confusion and uncertainty. The repercussions of her secret being exposed loomed ominously, threatening to shatter her world. Fear gripped her heart as she contemplated the repercussions—a life devoid of acceptance, where her achievements would be erased, and she would be branded with derogatory names.

Suddenly, a soft whisper, concealed from the awareness of others, reached her ears. "Do not perceive it thus, child," it gently murmured, the source of the voice remaining a mystery. "Hidden from all knowledge, the deeds he invoked. Yet, consequences shall follow, for actions have their toll. In the company of the beast within, suffering takes its role."

Confusion etched across her face, Raina whispered in response, her eyes darting around in search of answers. "What?" she questioned, her voice barely audible. "What does that mean?"

With a firm tone, they spoke to Raina, their words carrying an air of significance. Fatigued from carrying out tasks without understanding their purpose, Raina let out a frustrated sigh, yearning for clarity and transparency.

"Will I ever claim the Iron Throne?" Raina inquired desperately, her need for knowledge pressing upon her.

"The flame shall ascend, commanding the game's attention," a mysterious voice responded, its words ringing with poetic allure. "Drawing pleas from all, as it proudly claims its name. Wearing the crown, it embodies true might. Yet it sets fire to the rain when the Dearest one takes flight, igniting the storm with its light."

"So, I will genuinely wear the crown?" Raina sought confirmation, her voice tinged with anticipation.

"In truth, the whereabouts of the crown remain undisclosed," the enigmatic voice revealed, hinting at hidden paths yet to be unveiled. "The journeys you must undertake will not be easily revealed. However, within lies a choice that shall illuminate your path. Remember, child, you are the true Heir, the one who sways the people. It is through their eyes that your power shall flourish. Embrace this path and weave the tapestry of your destiny."

Interrupting her, they interjected, "Go to the elder maester, girl," their voice whispered urgently.

Puzzled, Raina questioned, "What? Why do I need to see the maester?"

"Your stomach is aching," they whispered again, leaving Raina bewildered. She reluctantly made her way to the maester, her curiosity piqued.

"Raina, my dear," greeted the elderly man with a warm smile as she entered. "Are you feeling alright?" he inquired.

"My stomach has been troubling me frequently as of late. I fear I may be falling ill," Raina confessed, her concern evident. The maester nodded, motioning for her to take a seat.

"Does it hurt at this moment?" he probed. Raina shook her head.

"Mostly in the mornings, occasionally throughout the day," Raina explained. The maester's gaze shifted to her his brows frown forming. A troubling thought crossed his mind upon hearing her symptoms, but he dismissed it as a mistaken assumption. After all, she was young. Did she truly understand the gravity of such matters?

"Please, young princess, tell me when did this sickness first manifest?" the maester inquired, his gaze scrutinizing her carefully. He couldn't help but notice a change in her appearance—her skin seemed to glow with a newfound radiance, her cheeks displaying a subtle plumpness. Over the past few moons, he had observed her increased appetite. Could it be possible? His mind hesitated to acknowledge such a distressing possibility: had someone taken advantage of her?

"It began roughly a month ago, upon my return from King's Landing," Raina replied honestly. Her words bore no deception; indeed, she had been experiencing bouts of illness, though she dismissed them as mere stomach aches.

The maester rose from his seat, striding towards the door and securing it with a lock before turning back to face her. He approached her with caution, his intention to examine her without the encumbrance of her dress. It was not an inappropriate fascination, but rather, he had previously tended to her injuries, including mending her broken ribs.

"Raina," he began hesitantly. "I need to examine you further. Please remove your dress, but keep your underclothes on."

Nodding silently, Raina slowly removed her dress until she stood before him in her undergarments. "Can you turn to the side, please?" he requested.

As she turned, the man's eyes widened in alarm. Raina's once prominent hip bones were less apparent, and her lower stomach protruded ever so slightly.

"Raina," he said softly, his expression grave. "I need you to be completely honest with me. Has a man from here or King's Landing approached you inappropriately?"

The man had always harbored affection for the young princess, and the thought of someone hurting her filled him with dread. This situation had the potential to be devastating.

Raina's eyes welled up with tears as she locked gazes with the older man, her heart heavy with realization. She understood all too well what he meant, having experienced intimacy with the man in question. However, no one had explained to her the consequences that would follow such an act. Now, faced with the truth, she found herself overwhelmed by a hard-hitting realization.

"Oh, dear Gods, Raina, they have, haven't they?" the older man uttered, his voice filled with concern.

"What? What is it?" Raina inquired, though deep down, she already knew the answer. She simply yearned for confirmation, hoping against hope that it wasn't true. The maester approached her, tenderly placing his hands on her lower belly and applying gentle pressure.

"Raina, do you understand how a child is conceived?" the maester asked, looking directly into her eyes. She was only 11 years old, and the intricacies of such matters might not have crossed her mind. Her attention had been focused on other things.

"A child is conceived when a man and a woman come together intimately. You have already experienced your first moon cycle, Raina, which means you are capable of conceiving a child," the maester explained. Raina had reached the age of 9 when she received her first menstruation—an unexpected milestone that brought both surprise and a sense of pride at her early maturation.

"And has a man touched you, Raina?" he inquired. She hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding, confirming that it had indeed happened. The maester's expression turned grave as he inhaled deeply, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"We must talk to your grandparents, young princess," he said gently, taking hold of her hand and leading her out of the room. Together, they made their way to where her grandparents were engaged in conversation with a knight, their presence necessary for the forthcoming discussion.

"Raina," her grandfather addressed her with a warm smile, which quickly faded as his gaze shifted to the maester standing beside her. "What is wrong?" he inquired

"My lady, my lord, we need to discuss something of great importance," the maester interjected, his tone serious and somber.



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