t w e n t y - t w o

Start from the beginning

"So, I'm someone you like?" Jisung laughed. "I don't think I'm something you should consider persuading Minho. After all, I'm not someone who's easy to love. I believe that you need someone who's similar to you, hardworking but easy going." He said as an unfamiliar feeling rushed over him, it was something Jisung couldn't explain

Something rarely anyone knew about Jisung is that he has a hard time perceiving his emotions, expressing them is something that he finds even harder as he barely understands how he feels most of the time. Many say that Jisung has no empathy and how cold he is, could they be wrong?

"I don't think you're hard to love Jisung, it's actually so easy to love you. Not to mention how easy it is to like you... There's so many things that you do that makes others fall for you quickly, either as friends or partners. I think you're just struggling to see that for yourself, I mean if you were to see in what condition I was everytime you smiled and left the office... I don't think you'd be saying what you just did." Minho said with a gentle tone in his voice

Jisung bit his lower lip as tears fell down his chubby cheeks ever so gently, falling onto the silk cloth placed on the table. He sniffled, never knowing how much he desired to hear such words. Words that he should've been told by the people whom he cared for in the past, his friends, his family, his mother... And here, an incomplete stranger was, telling him such.

"Why did you call me, out of everyone else?" Jisung then asked

"...I dunno. You were the first person I could think of, you're messing with my head too much. Can you like... Get out?"

Jisung laughed. "I'm afraid that you have to be the one to take me out of there, I'm not purposely putting myself there."

"But I don't want to! Ah, this is so hard. Why did it have to be you they hired?" Minho groaned

"Don't act like you would prefer it to be someone else." Jisung rolled his eyes

"That is half true..." Minho mumbled

"Seriously, Minho. How much did you drink?" Jisung asked

"Not much." Minho answered looking around the table "Just, half the bottle? I'm still kind of sober."

"God damn. That's a 'just' and not a 'lets stop'?"

"I'm still in the mood to drink." Minho yawned

"Not going to lie, you sound pretty sober almost as if you aren't even drunk at all. That's scary!"

Minho laughed, accidentally hitting his hand on the table to which he let out a gasp afterwards.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed." Jisung then said as he looked up at the clock on the wall

"Don't want to, I like the sound of your voice better."

"I'll keep quiet then until you decide to go to sleep~" Jisung teased

"Hey, not fair! I didn't say I wasn't going to sleep at all! Just a little bit more...?" Minho whined

"Nope. Off to bed you go!"

"...Fine, but I don't think I can walk."

Minho ended up stumbling into things on his way to bed which made Jisung almost cry from laughing. The call ended once Minho got in bed and Jisung wished him good night.

"What even happened here...?" Jisung asked himself after


The now, new couple was cuddled up on the couch, sleeping comfortably in each other's embrace. Felix was laying on top of Hyunjin with his head resting on Hyunjins chest, whilst Hyunjin had both of his hands around Felix's waist.

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