029 - Dad and... Trot?

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Rolling around on the floor, you continue to wrestle and play, relishing in the joy of this special moment. But then, with a hopeful glimmer in your eyes, you request "Dada, can you pwease pwetend dat you awe a howsey next?" Daddy sighs, getting where this will end, and knowing how playing horsey is one of your favorite things ever. Nonetheless, he nods enthusiastically. "Of course, Dr. Kyle! Just wait a second for the next patient!" he says, as he leaves the living room once again, disappearing from sight.

He reappears on all fours, a worried expression on his face. "Neeeeigh! Help Dr. Kyle!!! I think my fast and strong horsey legs are broken! Neeeigh! Help!" he playfully exclaims, pretending to be a horse in distress. Giggling and filled with excitement, you rush over to rescue him, fully embracing your role as the caring veterinarian. "Oh no, horsey! No worry, Dr. Kyle is hewe to hewp!" you say with determination, your voice oozing with adorable confidence.

You playfully approach him, pretending that he needs a very special and thorough massage to fix his broken legs. You make him lie down on his back on the soft carpet, just like a patient on an examination table. With your small, delicate hands, you begin to rub each of limbs, pretending to work out any imaginary soreness. But, being the playful and adorable child that you are, soon your touch becomes far less gentle.

You just can't resist adding a touch of silliness and mischief to the game, so you start jumping on daddy's legs and arms with your full weight, squealing with delight and filling the room with infectious laughter. He winces slightly in pain, but he takes it on like a champ, understanding the joy it brings you. His face lights up with a mix of amusement and love, as he witnesses how happy and carefree you are in this moment.

The therapeutic session for each limb is completed by a warm, sloppy kiss of love from you, which makes his heart melt even more. Your affectionate gestures and playful antics fill him with an overwhelming sense of joy and adoration. As soon as you finish the "miracle" massage, he raises up on all fours again, his eyes twinkling with happiness. He excitedly shouts, "Neeeigh! Your massage was incredible, Dr. Kyle! I feel like I could run forever now! Neeeeigh! Thank you! Thank you!" His voice is filled with gratitude and a childlike enthusiasm that matches yours perfectly.

Bouncing up and down with glee, you eagerly ask "Can I wide you, Mr. Howsey? Pwease, pwease, pwease?!" Daddy can't help but giggle, knowing that you've been eagerly waiting for this moment. With a warm smile, he responds "Of course, Dr. Kyle! Climb up! Daddy-horsey will take you on a nice ride!"

You squeal with delight, your eyes shining in anticipation. Holding on him tightly, you move onto his back, feeling a surge of excitement as you settle into your imaginary saddle. He, ever the helpful partner, gets his back lower so that it's easier for you to climb on.

With a sense of adventure and joy, you feel the gentle movements beneath you as he starts crawling slowly, imitating the trotting of a horse. Your imagination takes flight as you envision yourself on a grand horse-ride, exploring endless fields and magical lands.

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