023 - Patty Cake

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Just as you and Danny release from your heart-felt hug, with a twinkle in her eyes, his mommy proposes an enchanting idea to celebrate your friendship even more. "Hey little ones, how about we create a special patty cake routine, just for the two of you? It'll be like a magical handshake between two little tots, a way to show your unique bond!" she suggests, her voice filled with excitement.

You and him exchange excited glances, nodding enthusiastically. "Yay!" you both cheer in unison, your eyes shining with anticipation. You wiggle out of your mommy's embrace, finally cheered up and not depending on that closeness anymore. You and Danny both climb down from the bench, and stand in front of his mommy, looking up at her for guidance.

Sitting on the bench, she begins "Alright, little tykes, let's start with the first move..." she says, clapping her hands rhythmically. The sound pervades the air with a cheerful beat, immediately filling you with happiness. You two watch intently, captivated by her moves. The patty cake routine has a catchy song that accompanies the claps and pats, filled with playful lyrics that make your hearts soar.

"Clap, clap, pat, pat, we are little tots so sweet," Danny's mommy sings, her voice melodic and soothing. "Clap, clap, pat, pat, our friendship can't be beat." Giggles escape from your lips as you try to imitate her, your hands clumsily attempting to follow the rhythm. Danny joins in, babbling happily, adding his own adorable sounds to the mix.

Your mommy thoughtfully grabs your paci and slips it out of your mouth, so you can sing more easily. You do not even notice her doing it, completely captured by the current game. Danny's mommy smiles warmly, encouraging your efforts. "That's it, my darlings! You're doing great! Now, let's add a spin. Clap, clap, spin, spin, best friends 'til the end," she continues, gesturing for you to twirl around.

Both of you watch in awe, your eyes wide with wonder. With her patient guidance, you slowly start to grasp the routine. Your hands clap and pat in harmony, and you attempt the spin, stumbling adorably but never losing your infectious enthusiasm.

As you and Danny continue to play patty cake happily, your mommy leans in and whispers to his "Hey, what about I go and get some ice cream for the two little bundles of joy. What do you think?" Danny's mom smiles and nods in agreement, thrilled by the suggestion.

"Just a little cup of mango and strawberry will be perfect for Danny. Oh, here." she says, after which she reaches into her purse and pulls out some money. She hands it to your mom and says "Take this. It's for 2 cups exactly, so both of their ice cream. I insist."

Your mommy gratefully takes the money and replies "Oh, you're too kind! Are you sure?"

"It's my pleasure, really. You had quite an eventful outing, I'll give you a little break, it's the least I can do."

"Thank you, Emily. I'll be back in a jiffy!"

With a happy and playful smile, she quietly sneaks away, making her way to the ice cream stand nearby. Her steps are light and swift, ensuring that you don't notice her absence. At the stand, she orders two small cups of ice cream. For Danny, she selects mango and strawberry, and for you, she chooses vanilla and chocolate, your absolute favorite.

With the cups in hand, she returns to the bench, her heart full of anticipation. She can't help but giggle to herself, imagining the look of surprise and joy on your face when you discover the unexpected treat. As she approaches, you are still fully immersed in the patty cake routine, your hands clapping and patting with newfound coordination. Your mommy quietly joins Danny's on the bench, the cups of ice cream concealed behind her back.

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