013 - Red, Green... Poopy

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CW: Pooping, Messy Diaper


"Now, did a little baby boy want to play? Who shall start at the wall?" mommy asks, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. She wants to make sure you have the best playtime before your nap. You bounce on your feet, unable to contain your excitement, and point to her. "You, mama! I wanna be the one wunning!" With a relaxed grin, she agrees "Alright, Kyle! I'll be in charge of giving the commands, and you'll be the one running. Let's get ready to play green light, red light!"

You eagerly position yourself at the starting line, wiggling your toes in anticipation. Mommy stands at the wall, ready to oversee the game. She holds up her hand, her fingers curling into a fist, and exclaims "Green light!". You take off, your little legs carrying you as fast as they can. You giggle with excitement, feeling the thrill of the game coursing through your veins. She watches you with a proud smile, cheering you on. "Go, go, Kyle! You're doing great!"

But then, just as you're about to reach the finish line, she abruptly raises her hand, her palm facing you. "Red light!" she declares, her voice filled with playfulness. You freeze in your tracks, trying to stop your momentum. Your face scrunches up in concentration as you manage to come to a halt, just in the nick of time. Mommy claps her hands, applauding your quick reflexes. "Well done, Kyle! You stopped right on time!"

You laugh and bounce on your feet, eager for the next round. "Green light!" she shouts, and you take off once again, your little legs pumping with energy. You dart forward, trying to make it before mommy can call out "Red light!" But this time, she surprises you by yelling "Yellow light!" You skid to a halt, a look of confusion on your face. She chuckles, her voice full of amusement. "Oh no, I tricked you with a yellow light! That means you didn't need to stop!"

You pout playfully, pretending to be disappointed. "Mama, that not faiw!" you exclaim, crossing your arms over your chest. Mommy grins, playing along. "Oh, I'm sorry, Kyle. I promise, no more yellow lights. Ready for the next round?" You nod eagerly, a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. "Green light!" she yells, and you sprint forward, determined to make it to the finish line this time.

The game continues, with her calling out "Red light," "Green light," and even throwing in a few more surprises like "Blue light" and "Purple light." Each time, you respond with laughter and excitement, eagerly following the commands and displaying your agility and quick reflexes.

The roles switch, and now it's mommy's turn to be the one moving while you oversee the game. You take your position at the wall, ready to give the commands. "Gween wight!" you shout, mimicking her previous enthusiasm. Playtime goes on for a while, with you and her taking turns, enjoying each other's company and the thrill of the game. With each round, the laughter and excitement fill the room, creating a joyful atmosphere that makes every moment even more memorable.

As you continue playing with boundless energy and laughter, you're completely immersed in the game, forgetting about the soggy and heavy diaper underneath your pants. Mommy, on the other hand, can't help but giggle to herself whenever she catches a glimpse of your puffy bottom. She finds your innocence and carefree spirit incredibly adorable.

She knows that it's just a matter of time before nature calls once again, this time for number 2. She watches you, noticing a brief pause in your giggles and a focused expression on your face, just after she has called out "Red light!"

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