008 - In Mommy's Study

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A few, long minutes pass. Feeling sad about not being able to play with mommy anymore, you try to distract yourself, but find that it's just not as fun. Unable to resist the longing for her company, you clutch your beaver and bunny plushies tightly in your arms and toddle over to her study. The door creaks as you enter, catching her attention as she turns towards you, still deep in her phone call, speaking fast and using complicated words.

Seeing you standing there innocently, with your pouting face, she can't help but find you absolutely adorable and feel a twinge of guilt. She gestures for you to come and sit in her lap, turning her office chair slightly towards you. Excitedly, you bounce up and down, thrilled to be with mommy once again. However, she looks at you with a slightly stern expression and puts a finger to her lips, signaling that you need to stay quiet and not disturb her call.

You open your mouth wide and close it while puffing out your cheeks, pretending to hold in some water. Mimicking her gesture, with your finger in front of your mouth, you look at mommy determinedly, letting her know that you'll be as quiet as a fish. A smile forms on her face as she appreciates your obedience and cuteness. She waits for you to jump up into her lap, which you eagerly do, feeling one of her arms wrap around you in a gentle hug.

She continues her work call while you snuggle close to her, feeling her warmth and love. You can hear her voice, but you don't understand anything that she's saying, as it's boring and hard grown-up stuff. Nonetheless, you know that you need to be extra careful not to interrupt or distract her. You stay still, your little body pressed against mommy's, enjoying the comforting presence and the feeling of being close to her.

Her multitasking skills are put to the test, as she balances her work responsibilities and the need to make you comfortable. She marvels at your ability to understand and follow her instructions, even though you are only a little boy. With each passing moment, she falls more in love with you, admiring your innocence and the way you bring joy to her life.

Happy and cozy in mommy's lap, you begin to bounce your two plushies around on her desk, creating an imaginary conversation between them in your head. Despite your excitement, you make sure to stay silent, not wanting to disturb her important phone call. You carefully control your movements, ensuring that you don't make noise or cause any disruption.

As she needs to use her laptop, you instinctively bring your arms closer to your body, trying to take up as little space as possible. She appreciates your consideration and gives you a soft, silent kiss on the top of your head. You beam with delight and let out a suppressed giggle, finding it a bit challenging to contain your happiness, but remembering how important it is that you do not distract her.

You continue to play with your plushies, creating little stories and adventures in your imagination. Every now and then, you steal a glance up at mommy, making sure you are not interrupting her. It's a delicate balance, but you're determined to be on your best behavior and show her how well you can follow her instructions. She notices your effort and the struggle you face to remain quiet, and her heart swells with pride and love. She can't help but smile at your adorable determination, recognizing the immense effort you're putting in.

The room is filled with a sense of mutual understanding and appreciation. You feel proud of yourself for being able to control your excitement, and mommy feels grateful for having such a thoughtful and considerate little one by her side.

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